Toronto The Yards | 132.8m | 40s | TAS | Giannone Petricone

Are there any other developments in TO being planned with a district energy system?

IIRC The Well is tying into an extension of the Enwave system downtown.
IIRC The Well is tying into an extension of the Enwave system downtown.
Yup, quite a few new developments getting hooked up to Enwave -- Portland Commons, KING Toronto, LCBO Tower/Sugar Wharf, and most new office developments in the Financial District and Southcore will use Enwave as well. What's unique here is that this development is going to come with its own independent district energy system.
Drawings and renders from PUBLIC WORK's website:
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...I would down if this place seeded its own Arts & Crafts movement.
Project website:

Huh, this explains why the renderings of the site included the Destructor property:
The City of Toronto initiated a Request for Proposals (RFP) in 2018 to repurpose the Wellington Destructor – a century-old former garbage incinerator – into a new 21st century destination. TAS submitted a bold proposal that positions “Destructor Park” as a new model for public/private space that will evolve the historic context of the building and its landscape through a dynamic hub prioritizing creation, education and innovation. The proposal integrates a multitude of uses including market and affordable commercial, retail, community and event spaces. The City has not yet formally awarded the RFP. We remain optimistic regarding the opportunity and believe our proposal will seamlessly integrate into our broader plans for 2 Tecumseth.
Interesting. Curious to see if this is for soil testing or something for substantial. If you live in the area mate, it would be great to see some photos if possible. Cheers :)
Sure thing I will take some photos, but it's massive excavation. Couple trucks waiting every morning for continuous hogging

Hmmm; no building permits have been pulled for the site, so far as I can tell.
