Toronto The Hill Condos | 162.2m | 50s | Metropia | Arcadis

No sign of demolition on site, and the sales centre has been boarded up. Anecdotally I am hearing that only 30% of units have sold since October 2023 launch.

All permits are submitted, but none appear to be issued, or pending.
Project is officially on hold. It's way less than 30% sold...

As per PE's insight above, confirmation and limited discussion from Metropia on this in a Renx piece:


Worth it to keep the bike lane open for three years: Edit: it is important to keep the bike lane open for three years. Full, permanent demolition of the heritage facade is not the only way to do this. Dis- and re-assembly would split the difference more appropriately.

Edit: see related TEYCC item 2024.TE12.42 which is a multiple deferral from original item 2023.TE9.45 (originally December 2023)


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