Oakville La Reserve | ?m | 4s | Rosehaven

Mike in TO

Senior Member
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Apr 23, 2007
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Downtown Toronto
Melrose Investments Inc. and Rosehaven Homes Limited have submitted applications to the Town of Oakville for O.P & zb/l amendments for the development of a 9s, 28-unit apartment building at 153 and 157 Reynolds Street, northeast of Trafalgar Road and Lakeshore Road East. I would expect stiff community opposition to this proposal.
I recently just moved from Reynolds St. in Oakville (just down from the proposed site actually), and although one would expect that there may be opposition to the height of this building, it is important to note that there are other 10+ storey buildings in the area (Allan and Trafalgar).

As for upsetting the residents, some may be angry; however, this part of Oakville has seen recently built condos that are between 6 to 8 storeys (Church and Dunn, I believe). Additionally, 4 to 5 storey buildings line Reynolds with Oakville-Trafalgar Hospital, medical buildings, several offices etc., so I don't see there being huge uproar. Plus, these condos are likely to be high-end, which will keep the old rich people looking to downsize, but stay in DT oakville happy.

And the world of Oakville continues to cater to the rich ...
Somehow, I agree; that specific zone's already pretty commercial-office-institutionalized, so that a little intensification will be benign except to the hardcore NIMBYs.

What form it'll take is another matter; given that this is Old Oakville, the safe NIMBY-allaying bet is on the Chedingtonista middlebrow, though those these days, one never knows. (In a place like Oakville, the more likely potential location for something Clewesian or Teepleian is along Kerr St in the so-called poor side of town.)
Clewes is doing a very high end (could end up being near the very top in $psf in the GTA) project at Lakeshore and Maple Grove - the plan is for a few three floor structures and the preservation of some of the historic buildings on the property. I've heard the prices may go for as high as $1,500 per square foot.
That particular project is on the current site of Edgemere Estate. Some of you may recall the property when it was sold to Clewes for a reported $45 million making it the most expensive property to ever go up for sale in Canada. The link is here:


I recently was on the Waterfront Trail in Oakville and the Town has put up a rezoning sign that staes the Clewes submitted a proposal for 12 2-3 storey buildings on the site. I don't believe this is a condo development, but rather several McMansions that would dot the 14 acre property. Based on the history and location of the proposal, I can see it being one of the most expensive - if not most expensive - areas PSQ in the GTA/Canada.

Personally, I think one of Canada's great estates shouldn't be redeveloped - especially with mcmansions. Then again, I don't know if anyone could actually afford $45 million for a 42,500 Sqf house, so this is what spawned from that.
Clewes is an architect, not a developer. I'm almost positive he would not have bought a property which cost that much.
Re: Edgemere Estates

Clewes was not the purchaser as noted above, he's just an architect - architectsAlliance is designing the condo project. I can't remember all the specifics, but the initial plan was for about 10 three floor structures, each with three units (I could be off on the number of structures and total number of units, I'm working off distant memory).

The plan is certainly not for "McMansions" and could be very interesting given Clewes involvement. There has been some dispute with the community and municipality regarding the plans. The community of course doesn't want anything built that will "change the character" of the neighbourhood and the city wants public waterfront access on the site.
Sorry about my false information - I was just trying to remember what I read on the sign put up by the Town. My memory must be failing me, which isn't a good sign during exam season.
Late last month, the OMB approved a settlement between Oakville and two proponents regarding over three jointly proposed developments in downtown Oakville. The original plans included a 9s building at 153 and 157 Reynolds Street, 2x 6s mixed-use buildings at 296, 300 and 312 Randall Street, 293 Church Street, and 131 and 135 Trafalgar Road, as well as an 11s building at 132 and 138 Allan Street. Under the new settlement, the Reynolds Street site will now be developed with 6 townhomes while the 2x 6s buildings will be replaced by one 4s building. The building at 293 Church Street will be restored and refurbished. Lastly the Allan Street proposal now calls for a 6s building for either office or residential uses.
Im not sure this is the project you are all talk about, but Rosehaven is building this at 300 Randall Street, in downtown Oakville.
Im not sure this is the project you are all talk about, but Rosehaven is building this at 300 Randall Street, in downtown Oakville.

Wow palacial ! Interesting indeed ~ Kind of reminds me of One Post Road .... which turned out rather beautifully to me
