Toronto Grid Condos | 157.88m | 50s | CentreCourt | Arcadis

Looks like the renderporn is being unveiled:
Meh... this is slightly boring.

Next to the monstrosity going up across the street it kinda' screams City Place block to me.

Anyway a bit off topic but does anyone know where this Tweet is referring to:

From Jeremiah Shamess on Twitter:
More Purpose rental coming to Market! WAM Developments closes on 4 acre+ block on the east side for ~$100mm to build 1.7m SF of density
I must be missing something but then I'm not an architect. What don't you like about the podium?

Can't speak for urbandreamer, but I take issue with yet another floor-to-ceiling glass podium. They're not hideous or anything, just sterile and monotonous. Even if made up of small units, these podiums force all retailers to conform to one look, making it hard for businesses to stand out, display unique signage, etc. They're particularly unfortunate when retailers are cramped for room and have to back shelving/furniture against street-facing glass.

For example, compare the bases of Burano and Murano. I know which one I prefer.
Im really liking this building. If the grid pattern was punched out more prominanly on the surface, this could be a very striking addition to our skyline. I'm not a fan of the puke green details seems a bit gimmicky and dated.

I dont mind the podium but I can understand how monotonous it can get at street level. I actually like how the existing buildings on this site provide a lively and diverse animation to the street. Hopefully once the building is constructed, this can be retained.
ya not in love with the podium, but the tower looks pretty decent, and honestly it is a welcomed over all improvement imo. I feel like these big open glass podiums suggest fewer but larger retailers... which I really don't know if that's what the community needs here. Hopefully it is divided into small enough units to keep things a bit more diversified.
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The dataBase file is now live and linked at the top of the page.

The real estate agent sites which quote 52 storeys for this project are simply—get this—wrong. It's 47 storeys that's going to the OMB for approval. Height in the dBase file.

The dataBase file is now live and linked at the top of the page.

The real estate agent sites which quote 52 storeys for this project are simply—get this—wrong. It's 47 storeys that's going to the OMB for approval. Height in the dBase file.


Quelle surprise!
LOVE the building. The podium isn't perfect, but it is decent enough. It's definitely an improvement for the neighbourhood.
