Toronto Festival Tower and tiff Lightbox | 156.96m | 42s | Daniels | KPMB

Here are a few screenshots from the animation we made of Festival Tower. For the whole video, click here. Its in the second row, first column.






I've never paid any attention to this project until I saw these amazing renderings. Thank you again Zach!
Festival Tower looks really good in those rendering, and (looks around to make sure no one is within earshot) so does the Holiday Inn.

p.s. Where did the streetcar tracks go? Gotta keep those in at least.
those lines painted on the road are a little unrealistic also, the City of Toronto only repaints those about once a decade
^No kidding. Who cares if the lines on the street don't look right? They're fantastic renders and achieve exactly what they're supposed to do.
nobody is bitching about the 'correctness' of the renders - we are bitching that our city doesnt even come close to looking this clean / well maintained or impressive in real life. My impression was that since the render was done by Americans, they used a properly designed American style street grid.
Yeah, I mean come on! People aren't going to take this render seriously if you can't even include streetcar tracks! What other liberties have you taken :mad:
The renders are about selling the project, not recreating Toronto down to a 'T'. It's likely that Daniels is not paying enough to get many of the details beyond the building's foortprint rendered.

...but as a general comment on the state of Toronto's streets, roads and maintenace etc Redroom is not wrong.
Renderings of buildings, and renderpersons, and video-game fly-by fantasies by Americans who've never even been here are hardly the reality that our city is supposed to imitate, surely?
