Toronto Toronto Coach Terminal Redevelopment | ?m | 41s | Kilmer | Studio Gang

Isn't the bus terminal under the flight path?
It is not:
While this does fall outside of the flight paths, it's directly behind City Hall and will therefore be subject to the ridiculous 'view corridor' policies enacted in 2018:

View attachment 326631

So while Shibuya Hikare:

Source: Wikipedia

Or Hysan Place:


Source: Wikipedia

Are both very cool ideas, Planning is likely not going to evaluate this site along those ambitious lines.
I wrote a proposal to the TTC Board when the office consolidation went to the Board a couple of years ago - proposing that they should sell the site to a private developer for development, albeit signing a long lease for a new office building.

In orange, the perfect site for a modern, consolidated, office building for the City to use - by TTC, City Transportation and other relevant bodies like Toronto Parking Authority. In my mind, benefits included that the site is already (or was!) connected to the TTC corporate networks, had a PATH connection to the Subway and isn't far from City Hall. I proposed restoring the heritage building for use as the office lobby, as well as for the lost property counter and customer service desks currently at Davisville. They'd also be space for a larger Transit Control - given future LRT and Subway lines.

In blue - a site sold to the same private developer - I thought this would likely be institutional (given Sick Kids is very close by, or one of the Universities) or another office development, given that people probably don't want to live under a helicopter flight path.

In red - I thought that this would be a good site for a small TTC museum, integrated into the podium of the building. Toronto probably wouldn't be able to justify a giant London-esque transport museum - but I thought a modest "streetcar barn" for heritage vehicles, some displays around them and other ancillary facilities (small lecture theatre, room for temporary exhibitions) would probably be okay - especially if they pay a peppercorn rent on the building. I proposed acquiring the end building on Dundas St, so that the museum would have a Dundas street frontage - using it for an entrance, shop, cafe etc. It would only require 70m of new streetcar trackage for the heritage fleet of streetcars to use the building as their home.

Screenshot 2021-12-06 at 12.10.59.png

Obviously didn't hear anything, but it was a fun little project. Will be interesting to see where this site goes - would be a shame to see it sit vacant for a long period.
Article in today's Star on the future of the really says next to's blue-skying by Councillor Layton, Steven Fong from the Daniels Faculty of Architecture; and the chair of Heritage Toronto.

Layton comes closest to saying something......"Affordable Housing"

While Fong mentions Wychwood Barns and the idea of Artscape.

But there is no substantive detail, nor any discussion of the process, presumably via CreateTo to get to a tangible proposal.

Article in today's Star on the future of the really says next to's blue-skying by Councillor Layton, Steven Fong from the Daniels Faculty of Architecture; and the chair of Heritage Toronto.

Layton comes closest to saying something......"Affordable Housing"

While Fong mentions Wychwood Barns and the idea of Artscape.

But there is no substantive detail, nor any discussion of the process, presumably via CreateTo to get to a tangible proposal.

I would really like to see these 2 lots and the one directly north become a meaningful mixed development meaning residential, retail/restaurant and commercial with a heritage portion. A TTC museum that Turini2 suggested is a very good idea.
Sorry for my ignorance on this (I didn't see it in the articles I read), who will be responsible for running the affordable housing? Will it be the Toronto Public housing or a NGO?

The suggestion is an REOI (Request for Expression of Interest) to the non-profit community. That is suggestive of an NGO.
