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TORONTO: a model city


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Apr 24, 2007
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TORONTO: a model city... fun with puns.

Just a bit of silliness I had lying around - a skyline collection of some
Toronto (and area) projects composed entirely of sales centre models.

I'm guilty of cannabalizing the buildings from all the hard leg-work of
ProjectEnd and Solaris and others (I hope they forgive me)
and I faked a couple... but I thought it might amuse.

I also thought I'd better post it while the 1 Bloor East model can be included

I named the project models in no particular order so this thread
would qualify as a Projects & Construction thread (where 99% of you bums
hang out).

What's interesting is that virtually every model has a similar angle/pov so
they all kinda look like they belong together.

Mucho SCROLLING required>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Interesting perspective. Thanks for taking the time to assemble this, 3D.

A model city of steel and glass. I'm sure it would make some architects salivate, but I'm left thinking of how similar-looking most of our current projects are.
A model city of steel and glass. I'm sure it would make some architects salivate, but I'm left thinking of how similar-looking most of our current projects are.

For better or for worse, skyscraper architecture is generally homogeneous with respect to a particular city during a particular timeframe. New York City built hundreds of look-alike art deco structures with their familiar ziggurat massing during the 1930s. While I'm getting kind of sick of the latest Peter Clewes iteration of a glass box, at least this style is, as 3D's rendering wonderfully shows, starting to become iconic. If they don't stand out, at least we can revel in each building's nuances.

Man if that was the skyline downtown ... wow....

Sadly, the ugly buildings get in the way.
thank you! a dedicated and interesting addition. i agree that most designs looks average and similar, but you can't have everything. i'm glad the skyline is growing and toronto has a relatively firm aesthetic foundation already.
Fantastic graphic. Thanks for sharing - it is very amusing.

I think the similarities between the buildings are enhanced by the similarities in colour that have been applied. In real life, there is quite a lot of variance (though, within limits, as to what is fashionable currently, as Hipster Duck points out).
If they were all located in the same area I'd have a problem with the buildings looking similar. But since they are all over the place (save for maybe CityPlace) its not so bad.
Hey 3D,

Terrific job. I'm not sure which buildings are which (I could figure out maybe half of them), but i'd like to make a flash file from this where each building would have a label upon rollover. Would you mind? Could I get some help identifying which building is which? I'm sure you all wouldn't mind helping, right?
