Markham 77 Anderson Avenue | 149.5m | 45s | Treasure Hill Homes | Graziani + Corazza


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Sep 21, 2020
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Proposal for a 30-storey mixed-use building at 77 Anderson Avenue.
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Screenshot (1975).png
The DB file has been updated with the stats from the latest submission. The floor count increased from 30 to 45. Total unit count increased from 362 to 508. Total vehicular parking decreased from 380 to 246. Total bike parking is 305. Total height to the top of the MPH is now 149.5m.

HD perspectives:
A601 Perspectives-1.jpg
A602 Perspectives-1.jpg
This area is at a pretty high elevation, so this will be visible from very far away at this height. Hopefully there's eventually improved local bus service for the ever-growing Mount Joy cluster. It's a ton of density with not much else around besides the GO station. They only got sidewalks up there a few years ago!
I'm having a great deal of difficulty imagining Markham approving this with the current parking ratio. This is not a particularly walkable neighbourhood -- the nearest grocery stores are the better part of a kilometre away via vast expanses of stroad and parking lots. The proximity to the GO station means, at best, that some households will be able to get by with one car instead of the more customary two or three. The 0.5 parking spaces per unit proposed seems to be awfully... aspirational about the area's level of car independence.

Hell, knowing Markham, residents will want to drive their cars across the street to the GO parking lot to catch the train.
