Kitchener 75 Fallowfield Drive | 25m | 8s | Drewlo Holdings


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May 13, 2023
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This is a currently under construction development in Kitchener. It is located within the Block Line Station MTSA. Drewlo has owned these lands and the adjacent lands (101-161 & 25 Fallowfield) for a while now. At 101-161 Fallowfield Drewlo has built 4 12 floor apartment buildings, the first one started construction in 2011 and the final one completed in late 2016 or early 2017. 25 Fallowfield is site plan approved for townhomes.

75 Fallowfield got ZBA/OPA approval in 2018, Drewlo was asking for 2 buildings, 1 at 8 floors the other at 5 floors to be built on the site. The project will contain 182 units. 66 of the units are in the 5 floor building and 116 are in the 8 floor building. 55 of the units will be 1 brdm and 127 will be 2 brdm. The site will contain 275 parking spaces of which 183 will be in an underground parking garage. The site is on a fairly large hill so depending on the location the 8 floor building will look like 9 floors instead of 8, from one corner of the 8 floor building to the other there is a grade change of 3.65m.

Here is the staff report on the project (page 72-162): 75 Fallowfield Dr Staff Report

Site Plan (my apologies for the quality of the image):
Screenshot 2023-11-06 232053.png

Renders (again apologies for the quality I'm taking it from the laserfiche staff report):

5 floor building
Screenshot 2023-11-06 232355.png

8 floor building
Screenshot 2023-11-06 232416.png
The city has issued Drewlo the foundation permit, the permit for the balance of construction is still in the application stage but based on what it is saying the 5 floor building will have 70 units instead of 66 and the 8 floor building will have 112 instead of 116. However the unit count tends to change through the permitting process so it might go back to the previously approved set up.

Drewlo Started site prep in late August, however the first sign of activity occured in late July when Drewlo took down their tower crane at their downtown Kitchener site and had it stored here. In late August/early September Drewlo cleared all of the brush from the site and erected fencing and started site clearing and excavation shortly after. Sometime in October Drewlo put the tower crane up for the site, I do not know the exact date as I rarely go by this site now that my commute has changed. They are still excavating away but it wouldn't be surprising for Drewlo to stop this project once the foundations are done, Drewlo tends to work very very slow, their downtown project has been under construction for 5 years and is only half complete, another project just down Block Line from this one has been under construction for over 2 years now and they have only completed 6 floors so it is certainly plausible for them to wrap up one of those projects before going full steam ahead on this one.

Here is a current picture of the site (my apologies for the quality I took this from the LRT station so I had zoomed in to avoid seeing mostly sky).
The 8 floor building is now working on the first above grade floor as seen from Fallowfield, from Block Line it's at its 3rd floor, which is primarly due to the giant hill that this tower is built into. From the site plan the primary entrance is from the parking lot side of the building meaning the floor they're currently forming is the 2nd floor.

Picture from Fallowfield (January 5th), this shows how giant the foundation wall is because of the hill (it's roughly 3-4 feet thick).

Picture from Blockline (Sept 3rd), most of Drewlo's sites are this messy.
