Toronto 5051-5061 Yonge | 130.9m | 39s | Sevoy Developments | Arcadis

Appeals report on this one to the next meeting of NYCC seeking approval to send staff to oppose this at OLT.

Amusingly, to me, the first CMC has already been held.

From the above:






My comments;

The POPs doesn't work here? Duh! You're not going to be able to re-mass the building in a way that will truly fix that either and still deliver something anyone wants to build. Pfft.


I don't understand the proponent not complying with the bog-standard setbacks for streetscape on Yonge. Everyone else has to comply, you do too. Don't think that's winnable for them.


Really, this seems pretty fixable to me. Push the building back for the desired sidewalks widths other builders have already delivered, nix the POPS, mitigate the wind a bit, voila.

This should not be at the OLT, this is way too easy to iron out; someone is being obstinate
