Toronto 45 The Esplanade | 130.85m | 39s | Republic | Arcadis

45 The Esplanade​

Thursday, February 16, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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George Pantazis


- Introductions
- City Presentation
- Application Presentation
- Comments and Questions
- Closing Remarks

Please register for the virtual community consultation for the development application at 45 The Esplanade.

The applicant, Republic Developments, submitted applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the construction of two 36-storey towers on a shared podium. The development proposes 682 units, an 8,042 square metre hotel use, and 585 square metres of retail at-grade

New roms



Ah….pictures from the Novotel website which is online but no rooms available yet.

They were cleaning the ground floor windows the other day.

Maybe they’re close to opening?
As the temperature hits -9 and I fear some may not make it through the night, I sure am glad they kicked a whole bunch of less fortunate people out so that a second-rate hotel could 'rejuvenate' their shitty offering. Pat yourselves on the back, everyone involved. Job well done.

To be fair, it is a private property - the owner really isn't under any moral obligation to continue the arrangement. The city's response on the other hand has been wanting. We have umpteen community centres - can't they at least even think about turning a few indoor basketball courts or activity rooms into emergency shelters?

I'm so angry about this proposal I can hardly stand it. Novotel was a part of our community and now the balance sheet watchers want to upend the entire neighbourhood for years with demolition, site clean up and multi-story rebuild. Does no one look at the waste this will produce? The landfill it will create? And what the end result will contribute to the community? At least with a hotel it participates in the community. Unbelievable.
I'm so angry about this proposal I can hardly stand it. Novotel was a part of our community and now the balance sheet watchers want to upend the entire neighbourhood for years with demolition, site clean up and multi-story rebuild. Does no one look at the waste this will produce? The landfill it will create? And what the end result will contribute to the community? At least with a hotel it participates in the community. Unbelievable.

I am hoping you are being sarcastic...right?

I do have issues with tearing down a perfectly usable structure, when there are plenty of places downtown to build without tearing down a big building. But housing is better than another hotel (though we need both of course).
It doesn't make them look any better in that optic though.

Optic doesn't really matter in this case. You cannot expect a private company to deliver a public good like homeless housing out of their own volition.

I do have issues with tearing down a perfectly usable structure, when there are plenty of places downtown to build without tearing down a big building. But housing is better than another hotel (though we need both of course).

We didn't shed any tears when the Hilton Garden Inn at Dundas/Jarvis bit the dust either.

Optic doesn't really matter in this case. You cannot expect a private company to deliver a public good like homeless housing out of their own volition.
I get that. But that still doesn't make them look good is what I am saying.
