Vaughan 255 Bass Pro Mills Drive | 131.9m | 39s | BGO | Hariri Pontarini

Thanks. This is 10 buildings and 2966 units.
All of this vertical density baffles me, since there's no plan for any high-order transit around Vaughan Mills. How are all of these additional residents expected to get around? They should have extended the subway to Vaughan Mills, at a minimum.
All of this vertical density baffles me, since there's no plan for any high-order transit around Vaughan Mills. How are all of these additional residents expected to get around? They should have extended the subway to Vaughan Mills, at a minimum.
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. If we're unable to extend a partially-at-grade subway to Sherway, there's absolutely no reason why a separate municipality should benefit from a fully-tunneled TTC extension through its industrial hinterland.
All of this vertical density baffles me, since there's no plan for any high-order transit around Vaughan Mills. How are all of these additional residents expected to get around? They should have extended the subway to Vaughan Mills, at a minimum.
They can take the bus. There’s a BRT planned on Jane Street.
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. If we're unable to extend a partially-at-grade subway to Sherway, there's absolutely no reason why a separate municipality should benefit from a fully-tunneled TTC extension through its industrial hinterland.
I would like to think that EVENTUALLY we get a subway station at Sherway, at Vaughan Mills, and another two at the south and north end of the Wonderland parking lot. The three extra northern stops would create massive transit-oriented redevelopment opportunities (plus I think having the youths subway to Wonderland would be a lot better than having them drive there). These are the things that I'd gladly fund with my taxes.
We - who live in Toronto, don't want our transit dollars spent in York region. Enough. We have enough high density areas in our own city that need rapid transit that have way higher density than anything in York region (think Humber Bay shores). We don't want to be connected to you with our subways - we want our own people to be able to get around, and our low income areas to have rapid transit (think far north-west and north-east of our city). GO-Trains are for regional transit - not TTC subways.
I would like to think that EVENTUALLY we get a subway station at Sherway, at Vaughan Mills, and another two at the south and north end of the Wonderland parking lot. The three extra northern stops would create massive transit-oriented redevelopment opportunities (plus I think having the youths subway to Wonderland would be a lot better than having them drive there). These are the things that I'd gladly fund with my taxes.
Is Vaughan paying for this, or is Toronto?
Let's get the Rutherford and Jane buses up to scratch first.

Rutherford should be running every 10 minutes all day; Jane every 5 minutes. Both routes need queue jump lanes and hospitable stops; not to mention improved pedestrian access--it's not pleasant walking from these stops to your destination.

If eventually Jane is running 20 packed buses an hour, we may consider an elevated extension.
Is land use planning even real anymore. This is the last place in the region 5k people should be getting dropped
Whenever I see a development next to a large suburban shopping centre, I always think the developer should put an asterik next to their walk score.
