Developer: Old Stonehenge Development Corporation
Architect: Studio JCI
Address: 197 King St E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Hotel), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 4 storeys
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Toronto The Nealon | ?m | 4s | Old Stonehenge | Studio JCI


Member Bio
Apr 24, 2007
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Project website:

Nealon House
King East

Future Development
Coming Soon: Sonder Hotel

Built in 1888, the Nealon House is known as one of Toronto’s oldest and most beautiful buildings with its distinctive Romanesque Revival architecture. Oldstonehenge will be bringing the Nealon House back to life with a boutique hotel and a high-end restaurant.

History of the building:

More info about Sonder:



Detailed photos of the interior:

Looks like this was listed for sale at $10,900,000 in the past:

Feels a bit strange and unnatural with the additional floors and set-backs. It'll come down to materials though, if they can blend it in properly with the heritage brick. From what I remember, there was an addition to heritage building on John Street north of Queen W, that turned out well a few years ago.
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Feels a bit strange and unnatural with the additional floors and set-backs. It'll come down to materials though, if they can blend it in properly with the heritage brick. From what I remember, there was an addition to heritage building on John Street north of Queen W, that turned out well a few years ago.

Forget ground plane and all - the second stepping felt clumsy. It might have looked better just having a full depth third floor addition instead. Probably cheaper too?

Forget ground plane and all - the second stepping felt clumsy. It might have looked better just having a full depth third floor addition instead. Probably cheaper too?


I also find it a little clumsy but you’ll rarely if ever see it from the angles in the rendering. I assume they want a rooftop deck for a bar/restaurant and events.
I also find it a little clumsy but you’ll rarely if ever see it from the angles in the rendering. I assume they want a rooftop deck for a bar/restaurant and events.

Maybe but the rendering is not suggestive of that. If that's the route the second stepping would be better off modern - some kind of glass jewelbox instead of cornices after cornices, which look fuzzy as hell.

Based on other renderings from Old Stonehenge's website, the planned outdoor deck area looks like it should be elsewhere in the building. Likely southward facing, and possibly on a corner, halfway up the building where the original part transitions to the addition.

The final stepback facing King East would still make a good hangout spot for pigeons though. ;)



Those listing agents really got that owner to clean that building up for the photos above. The place was awful when I walked it last summer. But the views on the roof are great looking at the core.
Old Stonehenge have a building permit application in for the 'minor variance' of adding 4 floors to this 4 floor heritage (Listed) building. I suspect they may be forced to make a full development application as this hardly seems 'minor' but.....

In any case, the heritage implications of their proposal (to convert building to a boutique hotel) are being addressed at the Toronto Preservation Board on 27 January.

Ward: 13​
Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 197 King Street East
See Report with photos, renderings etc etc at
It looks like a completely different tower being seen from just the right angle, as opposed to an actual addition. At least ditch the skylights on the heritage section's roof so you can tell that the addition is using a similar brick.
