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The Government is attempting to kill diversity here in Canada?

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Mar 28, 2008
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This has been a very telling week here in Canada, our government has declared that all new citizens must be fluent in English or French as if to say that this language capacity is proof of their devotion to and success in Canada, in other words, brilliant, all other language speakers, need not apply, goodbye diversity, hello bigotry.

George Galloway was banned entry into Canada because he dares to speak his mind but George W. Bush is welcomed with open arms in Calgary to address his time in office, all done in private and only to a select group with no media allowed. Do these people really think they will be able to control the message completely? We need to examine the diverse opinions offered up, where is Macleans magazine when you need it with it's cries of freedom of speech and open discourse?

Our science minister embarrasses us with his confusion with respect to science and faith yet nobody appears to seriously insist he resigns knowing that his lack of knowledge could lead our research arm to suffer, i.e. stem cell research, there was a reported cut to their budget until of course they had that fascination breakthrough making all Canadians proud.

Yes it's been an interesting week. And then there is the financial melt down where car sales stats from January deflect the reality of the nosedive sale data in February and March...the media licks it all up and spits it out at us, how sad.
You're hearing less from Harper and more from his ministers. And look at the stuff we're hearing. What happened, Steve, or are you just reminding us why you normally have to tell your ministers and backbenchers to shut up?

The Star's editorial about Galloway was on the money. The Globe and Mail's editorial, while having a correct thesis (the ban only raises Galloway's profile), it borders on libel in its mudslinging towards him.
How is requiring those seeking citizenship in Canada having to know English or French an attempt to kill diversity in Canada? Those are our official languages last I checked. And immigrants already get points for knowing the language when they apply. Once they move here, they are again plenty of opportunities to learn the language through ESL, etc. So again how is it an effort to stifle diversity when citizenship candidates get tested for a language they are supposed to know, get opportunities to learn and would get plenty of benefits if they did learn?

As an immigrant myself and somebody who has lived all over the world I am always amazed how low the bar is for citizenship in Canada. Consequently, that why citizenship means nothing to most residents in this country. I would go further. Why the hell do they give driving tests in languages other than English or French? When was the last time anyone saw a road sign in Mandarin or Punjabi?
"All other language speakers need not apply?" I thought the requirement was for some English ability, not for future citizens to be monolingual and cast off their mother tongues. :confused:

This seems to be a pragmatic idea more than some strange attempt to "kill diversity." English (and French in Quebec) is the language of communication in this country; without it, accessing basic services (and responding to service providers) becomes problematic. Not knowing an official language also keeps people cocooned in enclaves and not interacting with other cultures. I see no attempt to legislate cultural beliefs here. And I don't think the expectation is for fluency, only a working knowledge to get through the immigration process and function within the country.

Not sure where all this fits in with Galloway and science but I just don't see this motion killing diversity in any way. I don't see any shortage of English-speaking immigrants (with another language as the mother tongue) out there so where is this threat to diversity coming from? Do you actually think all of Canada's immigrants will be coming from the British Isles once again?
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The Galloway and Bush entry into Canada reference represents the issue of diversity of opinion that our government (agencies?) have drawn the line at and it appears to be killing the debate in favour of towing this government's line. I don't believe Canadians are united about Bush being welcomed here or Galloway not welcomed for reasons given. I myself would like it to be tested in court.

The science minister reference was written for it's shock value because it should be shocking to most of us who know the difference between science and faith.
So what exactly is the point about this thread? The title talks about attempts to kill diversity by the Tories. But then there's complaints about Galloway being denied entry and about the Science minister.

Shouldn't these all be different threads? Or why not just have a single thread called "I hate the Conservatives" and we can all whine about them on there?
^Don't forget the reference to the financial meltdown and a drop in car sales. All, no doubt, a product of the government trying to kill diversity here in Canada - according to jade-lee.

This should be called the jade-lee aimless rant thread, but there are already a couple of those already.
Don't you know? The politics and diplomacy forums are jade_lee's personal soapbox to spew non-sensical anti-conservative rhetoric. No evidence required. In another thread our civil-military relations are being compared to Pakistan. I sincerely hope the mods can rein some of this in. All jade does is threadjack with non-sensical gibberish.
The Galloway and Bush entry into Canada reference represents the issue of diversity of opinion that our government (agencies?) have drawn the line at and it appears to be killing the debate in favour of towing this government's line. I don't believe Canadians are united about Bush being welcomed here or Galloway not welcomed for reasons given. I myself would like it to be tested in court.

The science minister reference was written for it's shock value because it should be shocking to most of us who know the difference between science and faith.

Now that we have been sufficiently shocked perhaps you might address the rest of my reply where I questioned your assertion that letting in English-speaking people from around the world will kill our diversity.
It's the displaced non English, non French speaking people who might need a new place to live that concerns me.....this current government thinks we should not let them become citizens here in Canada if they apply lacking the language skills or is it a way to agree with them cutting off funds to educate those who want to learn these languages that is at issue? Seems to me like it's all about timing, this government is rather thick and I ain't tawking about their bellies.

BTW why is it that what I type is so soapbox but what you all type has merit?
Er, killing diversity? I am probably the most anti-consrvative person on this forum, and I, myself am an immigrant, but people absolutely must know one of the official languages of Canada, and know basic information about this country.
The Cons have really f***ed some things up majorly, but this is one issue I actually agree on. Diversity is looking around a subway car and seeing a person from every imaginable country. Diversity is NOT spending 15 minutes explaining to a convenience store cashier what a long-distance phone card is.
Now that we have been sufficiently shocked perhaps you might address the rest of my reply where I questioned your assertion that letting in English-speaking people from around the world will kill our diversity.

point that out where I said that please.

they don't concern me as they will be welcome, it's those who are not welcome based on language skills alone that I speak for and fear will not be allowed as citizens and perhaps need a new start in a new country such as ours.....think of those people around the world who need refuge and not just about those who fit a cookie cutter mold this government aims to allow entry, hell they deny English speakers like Galloway who just want to speak and have no intention of staying because his views differ from their own.
point that out where I said that please.


In your original post you stated "all other language speakers, need not apply, goodbye diversity, hello bigotry." Now, you have agreed that immigrants will still come from around the world regardless of this new language policy because that has been the way of Canadian immigration for years now. And we can agree that English speakers from around the world are a diverse group owing to their variety of cultures and languages. Yet you state "goodbye diversity, hello bigotry" even though these language speakers, I once again repeat, come from all around the world.

So unless you are inferring the world is not a diverse place or you had a misplaced idea about Canadian immigration policy I must assume you were just throwing out this hyperbolic statement in some attempt to be dramatic?

Or you could simply explain your statement and tell us where the bigotry and lack of diversity will be coming from.

they don't concern me as they will be welcome, it's those who are not welcome based on language skills alone that I speak for and fear will not be allowed as citizens and perhaps need a new start in a new country such as ours.....think of those people around the world who need refuge and not just about those who fit a cookie cutter mold this government aims to allow entry, hell they deny English speakers like Galloway who just want to speak and have no intention of staying because his views differ from their own.

Now we're onto a different tack.

I think the size of our cookie cutter would make Cookie Monster blush--we're not exactly onerous with the requirements for entry. What you are talking about is refugees and I wonder if this policy will even affect them seeing as there are extenuating circumstances in their cases and language might not have any bearing. And before you have a conniption I will add we let in between 20,000 and 30,000 a year.
ohhhhhhh so refugees have been excluded? Show me where the government has stated that in their recent media blitz about citizenship that caters to those extremists who are unlike the ordinary Canadians I grew up with.

Upon reflection maybe everyone in Canada should know how to speak English because the RCMP might get taser happy and kill them for their lack of communication skills when they are under pressure stuck in an airport with nobody to translate for them and feel a stapler is their only weapon against cops who are under such big pressures to control the bad people. :rolleyes: Thank gawd for video cameras cause we let liars in this country carry guns among serious cops who want to serve and protect. And when the screw ups (within our ranks) screw up they are able to be investigated by their own kind.

Awww too emotional for ya?

Taking what I say out of context doesn't change it but only frames it to suit your differing opinion on the matter.

Your postings thus far on the board had been of a rather poor quality, not to mention generally irrevelant to an urban issues forum. Just a reminder - this isn't a site for ranting. The thread is closed.

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