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Tech Questions: How much does setting up a website cost?



A question came up at my workplace today with regards to how much does setting up a website costs? The intended site would be quasi-institutional in nature, with a moderate level of expected users. It would NOT be database driven, nor will it have e-commerce capability, though it will carry a good amount of information (particularly an increasing number of ppt and pdf files). A search function within the site is also needed.

What would be the level of hosting expected for a site like this? How about the cost of designing the site, with either individual web designers or established firms?

Thanks in advance!

It really depends on how much has to be done as far as the design work goes. Probably need more info.

I know advertising is frowned upon, but if you'd like more info just email me,, give me some more info if possible (Im a designer), and I could give you an accurate cost.
At this point, I just wanted a ballpark figure since it's something to put into the budget for a proposal.

Thanks SD.

Websites are pretty tricky to just come up with a set amount. There are sooo many variables which could make your site range from $5000 - $50000.

I know, unfortunately I have to come up with a number for the purposes of budgeting as part of submitting a grant proposal :(

Thanks though!

If your company creates the website themselves the cost of hosting is only $50/mo or so (more for large storage requirements) plus domain registration which isn't very expensive. A number of us are in the business (including myself) so if you want a real quote you need to set up an appointment to discuss your needs. Every graphical element, feature (dabatase, search, store, flash, java, etc) has a work attached which will increase the overall cost. Anyone willing to give you a price without discussing your needs probably isn't dedicated to quality. I can send out one of my web developers to have a meeting with you if your company is serious about it. She would collect as much information as she can about your needs and we would give you a rough estimate and an "a la carte" additional work price list a couple of days later. The following week you would get a mockup with would help to settle look and feel discussions and then the real work would start after that.
At this point, I just wanted a ballpark figure since it's something to put into the budget for a proposal.

Thanks SD.


As Enviro and Jayomatic have mentioned, it's really impossible to give even an accurate ballpark figure. If you could provide every bit of information possible, that would help.
Enviro + SD:

Unfortunately, the details of what the site will ultimately entail is still up in the air - some of the requirements are fairly straightforward...others downright gives me the creeps (think of the buffet model of shopping right now). Either way, since it's only a grant proposal at this stage, it's probably not worth fuzzing over seriously - safer to inflate the numbers than to lowball it.


For a professional website you can assume it will cost pretty much the same as putting together a magazine with the same content and quality. The only real difference is the publishing fee since printing on the internet is essentially free.
Things to consider... number of pages (not PDF or Powerpoint) which would exist on the site, how many graphical elements, and how many features (content upload, user security, content search, dynamic catalog of content, etc.). One of the sites I am working on will cost about $750,000 when it is completed but it is more of a web application than a website. A small beauty salon site might only cost $2,000... or less if it is really plain. Man hours is the big expense.
Just between you and me, the new Bell website will cost $18 million.
I'm going through a major rebuild of my site. Essentially we're building a new site from scratch with a million more features. Very heavily database driven. I got quotes from 10 web developers. Prices ranged from $80,000 - $120,000. Bargining got it down to $30,000 from the winner. A lot of developers looking for jobs in my experience so you can push on the price. Then again, my account was considered a portfolio piece by most because of the industry I'm in (music & media).
Just between you and me, the new Bell website will cost $18 million.
I worked on a website for SBC that was well over the $3B range before they aborted the attempt. They were working on a 'one-bill' solution for all of their products which required a revamp and integration of their billing systems.

Amdocs and InQuent in Toronto were both aquired specifically for that project (at about $2B and $600M respectively).

I think that probably takes the cake for most expensive never-finished website. They abandoned the project and sold Amdocs and InQuent off for about $100M and $10 (a sawbuck) respectively.
Just between you and me, the new Bell website will cost $18 million.

That's nuts, it doesn't do half the things the project I am working on does. Are you sure that price doesn't include more... like the call in centre tie-ins, data mining engine, etc. E.piphany was on the Bell Mobility project at one point and if you throw in Vignette and a couple of other tools the price can really climb. The project that takes the cake has to be the gun registry though. :)
