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Sultan St. townhomes - south side, east end


Senior Member
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Apr 26, 2007
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Has anyone heard if there are any plans for those Goergian townhouses along the South/East end of Sultan? I am sure any proposal would have to preserve them, but i can't see much room for more denstiy either.
I heard from those in the neighbourhood that the land is owned by the developer of 1 St. Thomas.

The buildings are used as offices. I rarely see the 2nd floor lights on in any of them, so I don't think the apartments are being used ( I presume this is the case, as there are patios off the backs of each of the buildings on the upper floors). I have seen small improvements made to the entrances of a couple of the houses in the past year. I hope these are not simply neglected over the next several years. They match the lovely co-op across the street on the northside of the street.
