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nfl team

Toronto won't get a team for decades, if in our lifetime.

Personally, I don't really care for one.
And how do you know this?

They've been talking about it for decades. What incentive does the NFL really have to come here? It could happen of course, but it's highly unlikely.

It's something mostly generated by the local media.
No NFL team without the Olympics

An NFL Team is only possible if Toronto wins a future Olympic Games Bid.

With the OC, the new 80,000+ temporary stadium required, could be made permanent, thus allowing an NFL team to move in. However, if that was the case, I'm not ready to hand over a brand new $500 million plus stadium to an NFL team for free!

I'll be on record and state, that I have no problem using taxpayer dollars to help build new sporting infrustruture. Can you imagine Toronto without the Skydome - Rogers Centre? It help put this city on the world map. It was ground breaking and a crowning achievement on the part of this city and province.

Simply put, the new team would have to pay for at least half cost of building the new stadium, and the running track must be kept in tack for local use and for future international competitions.

With much of the focus on winning the 2015 World Expo, we aren't going to bid for the Olympics until at least 2020 at the earliest, with 2024 as a year we could win.

Until that possible time, we aren't going to see a team in Toronto anytime in the next 10 years.

Re: No NFL team without the Olympics

I believe the NFL has a standing policy not to expand into Canada as long as the CFL exists - sort of a gentleman's agreement.
Re: No NFL team without the Olympics

I believe the NFL has a standing policy not to expand into Canada as long as the CFL exists - sort of a gentleman's agreement.

I don't beleive that is the case. The NFL and CFL do have arrangements with one another... in fact at one time the NFL injected some much needed cash into the CFL saying that it was in their best interest to keep pro football alive north of the border. In return the NFL obtained greater access to players already under contract in the CFL.

The Argos have a small yet dedicated fanbase, there's no doubt in my mind that an NFL team in Toronto would be a lock for a sellout, not to mention the huge tv ratings to had for such a large market. The Argos would probably continue to average the same amount of fans they do now even if an NFL team were here. I don't think the NFL would have to worry about the CFL eating in to its potential market at all.
Wouldn't a new stadium in Toronto be used for only, on average, 8 NFL games a year?
^And unless it's a Dome it will never get the Superbowl.

I thought the NFL was happy with the 32 team setup they currently have and if a team was to move, places like Los Angeles would be among the first markets to get a team.

Personally, I prefer CFL, And seeing as how the 2010 olympics are in Canada it will be a long time before Toronto should start thinking about Olympic Stadiums.

$500,000,000 for 8 home dates per year...The loss of revenue from 15 thousand seats by playing at Skydome would be a better option. The RCA dome for the Colts only seats 58,000.

If people in Toronto really want NFL football it's just a short drive down the QEW (Bills)
we don't need another stadium in toronto. Skydome is one of the best in the world. use it!
people in Toronto really want NFL football it's just a short drive down the QEW (Bills)

I agree, but could be just a bit more accessible. If the Bills were more savvy they'd move the team to Niagara Falls. Orchard Park is about the same distance the other direction from Buffalo.

Closer access for the Golden Horseshoe. Easily turn into a weekend destination for Football fans as the NF casino is right there and Canada right accross the river.
I believe the NFL has a standing policy not to expand into Canada as long as the CFL exists - sort of a gentleman's agreement.

It wouldn't explain the CFL's Baltimore franchise several years ago.
NFL says no to Canada

Tagliabue rejects expansion

DETROIT (CP) - NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue says the league has no plans to expand into Canada.

During his state of the league address Friday, Tagliabue said the league's priority remains putting a team back in Los Angeles. The long-standing notion has been that if and when the NFL returns to Los Angeles, it would add a second expansion team to keep the two conferences balanced.

The NFL currently has 32 teams, 16 per conference. Los Angeles would make for 33.

However, Tagliabue said the league is willing to go with an odd number of teams for several years, thus delivering a blow to Canada's chances of landing a club.

"I could not see, at least now, a decision that would involve a two-team expansion," said Tagliabue. "I don't see expansion to Canada as being related to what we might do in Los Angeles."

Toronto has long lobbied for an NFL expansion franchise and in the past Tagliabue has always kept the door open to the possibility, although during a visit to they city in 2002 he told Canadian fans not to hold their breath.

"I don't see any expansion on the horizon," he said then.

His latest comments seemed to underline that.

In October, Tagliabue also suggested Toronto might host a regular-season game next season, the way Mexico City did in 2005, but on Friday he also shot that down.

"Right now, I think it's going to be difficult to play a regular-season game outside of the United States in this upcoming '06 season," he said. "We're still exploring alternatives but I would think over time we would do it in the right way and the right place."

Tagliabue has long teased Canadians about the possibility of expansion to the north, always stopping short of making any firm commitments.

During a 1995 visit to Toronto, he said: "We're very interested in this market. We know how much interest there is here in the NFL and we have equally as much interest."

In 1997, he said that any expansion to Canada would have to consider the possible effects on the CFL.

"So when it comes to Toronto, Vancouver or any other possible expansion location in Canada, we also have the element of the Canadian Football League. But that's part of what we will be studying in depth beginning now and going forward for the rest of this year."
I would give anything for an NFL team. The best run sports league in north america hands down. I am borderline obessed with the sport (along with european soccer). I kinda hope the league gives L.A. the old New Orleans team, and then somehow someway expand to Toronto. The only other way i could see a team coming is having one of the big companies or rich individual buy a struggling team i.e. The Phoenix Cardinals and move them over here, although thats an even longer shot as i doubt anyone has deep enough pockets for that.
Looks like Taglia-boo said the next franchise will go to Los Angeles. Maybe when they are finished with the team it can move to Toronto.
