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Metros Visited Website (and compare the systems)

Hmm...I did it. Now what do you do with it? Haha. Well, I got fifty of 162.
Not bad. I didn't count Chicago twice (there were two logos for the L there - official CTA and something else) so I came away with 9. (10 if Buffalo were posted)
Kinda an inconsistent list, kinda makes scores meaningless. Anyway, 13 for me.
Here's to the TTC and its retarded logo. Anyone up for a logo redesign challenge?
Over my dead body. The only "redesign" I'd allow would be to retrofy it back into its 50s red-and-creamdom...
Did someone say TTC logo redesign? Booo!

The TTC's styled letters (the first part of the logo) dates from the 1920s - the "wings" and shield date from just before the subway opened in 1954. Sure the colours have been simplified, but it's still the same logo as always. Another great one is the HSR logo - the name hasn't even changed since the 1870s, even though streetcars were gone by 1951, and the trolley buses in 1992.

The Underground still has to be a favourite - a wonderful, timeless and adaptable (think all red for buses, green for trams) logo.

And I can count two more "Metros" that should be on the list but aren't (if Edmonton and Calgary and St. Louis are) - Manchester Metrolink and NJ Transit - I've been on the Newark Streetcar Subway. I guess a case could be made for the Sheffield Supertram as well.
If you do that, then you have to add Mickey Mouse ears for the Disney Monorail, all airport shuttles, and all sorts of crazy things.

Then again, there has to be a definition of what should go on that list.
Well Buffalo should be there - it's partially underground.

The TTC is clearly one of the better which ones are the worst/best? Toulouse and Lisbon are inexcusably bad, and I'm tempted to add Bilbao, but that logo might look better in the flesh than it does as a tiny graphic. I love the logo of the Klingon Homeworld, er, Kyoto, and Bucharest's Metrorex is awesome. London's is a given, of course.
Lisbon's is based upon the pillars marking stations.

Pic 1
Pic 2

Kinda distinctive.

Worst logos? I would say Tehran is the worst. Both Athens versions are pretty bad. I think Brussels has the worst application of an "M" logo. Skytrain and Seville hardly qualify as logos.
Redesign the TTC logo? What's wrong with a classic logo? The trend to rebrand every ten years devalues a logo in my opinion. I would hate to see the current logo replaced with an ultra-modern almost cartoon like logo or perhaps a boring M in a circle.
My count is 10, with the majority being from Asia (Beijing, Hong Kong MTR and KCR, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tokyo Metro, and Osaka). I've only been on the TTC, Montreal Metro, and Vancouver Skytrain systems in North America.

I could probably add three more systems that I've been on but are not on the website: Buffalo, the Shanghai airport Transrapid, and a Tokyo commuter train that does not belong to the subway system but very subway-like.

There have been some near misses too: I was close to taking the New York subway, I've been to a Boston subway station, and I was outside a Washington Metro station but didn't go inside (though I really wanted to).
