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Iraq: 'Honour Killing' of teenage girl condemned as abhorrent

Prometheus The Supremo

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Apr 23, 2007
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a strange reality, bizarro toronto
this is totally disgusting. in this day and age, i don't understand how people can still be soo ass backwards. all with their cellphone cams, huddled in a circle around a girl getting stoned to death, nobody doing anything to stop it.
is what she did really that bad? do these people have nothing better to complain about? anything better to do with their time?

one only hopes that the people involved don't live that much longer for them to spread their "disease" to the younger generations.


Iraq: 'Honour Killing' of teenage girl condemned as abhorrent

Posted: 02 May 2007

17-year-old Kurdish girl stoned to death

Amnesty International has condemned as 'abhorrent' the stoning to death of a girl in a reported 'honour killing' in northern Iraq.

The girl, Du'a Khalil Aswad, aged about 17 and from the minority Kurdish Yezidi religious group, was stoned to death last month (on or around 7 April), apparently as punishment for her relationship with a Muslim teenager.

Du'a Khalil Aswad's murder is said to have been committed by relatives and other Yezidi men because of her relationship with a Sunni Muslim boy and her absence from her home for one night. Some reports suggested that she had converted to Islam, but others deny this. She was killed by a group of eight or nine men in the presence of a large crowd in the town of Bashika, near the city of Mosul, northern Iraq.

Initially, she was reportedly given shelter in the house of a Yezidi tribal leader in Bashika, but her killers stormed the house, took her outside and stoned her to death. Her death by stoning, which lasted for some 30 minutes, was recorded on video film, which was then widely distributed on the internet. The film reportedly shows that members of local security forces were present but failed to intervene to prevent the stoning or arrest those responsible.

Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said:

'This young girl's murder is truly abhorrent and her killers must be brought to justice.

'Unless the authorities respond vigorously to this and any other reports of crimes in the name of 'honour', we must fear for the future of women in Iraq.'

While the boy in this case is reportedly now in hiding for his own safety, Du'a Khalil Aswad's death has triggered further killing. In an apparent act of retaliation, some 23 Yezidi workers were attacked and killed on 22 April, apparently by members of a Sunni armed group. The Yezidis, reportedly all men, were travelling on a bus between Mosul and Bashika when the vehicle was stopped by gunmen, who made the Yezidis disembark and then summarily killed them.

Amnesty International condemns in the strongest terms both the murder of Du'a Khalil Aswad and the subsequent murders of the Yezidi men, and is calling on the Iraqi authorities to take immediate steps to identify and bring to justice, through fair trials and without recourse to the death penalty, the perpetrators of these killings.

The organisation is also calling on the Iraqi authorities to investigate whether law enforcement officials were present but failed to intervene to prevent Du'a Khalil Aswad's death by stoning, and to take urgent, concrete measures, including through legislative reforms, to protect those at risk of becoming victims of so-called 'honour crimes.'

There are frequent reports of "honour crimes" in Iraq - in particular in the predominantly Kurdish north of the country. Most victims of "honour crimes" are women and girls who are considered by their male relatives and others to have shamed the women's families by immoral behaviour. While the Kurdish authorities introduced legal reforms to address 'honour killings' they have, however, failed to investigate and prosecute those responsible for such crimes.
this is totally disgusting. in this day and age, i don't understand how people can still be soo ass backwards.

Its because of Islam. Some Islamic states still use beheading by sword as a method of execution. And in all Islamic states, being gay is enough to get you the death penalty.
Iranian teens being executed because they are gay:
the guys that did this are not islamic. it's a different religion. they are kurds who have jewish, christian & islamic religious roots.

a few days later, islamic extremists hijacked a bus, made all the christians and muslims get off the bus and executed 23 kurds as retaliation for the killing of the girl who they saw as a martyr (the main reason of her death was that she might have converted to islam). the 23 kurds probably had nothing to do with the girls killing.

it's important to mention that the girls relatives & brother were throwing stones too.
Its because of Islam. Some Islamic states still use beheading by sword as a method of execution. And in all Islamic states, being gay is enough to get you the death penalty.

more like the traditions prevalent before and after the spread of Islam in these regions.

Malaysia is considered to be a Muslim state yet being gay wont get you killed.
its never the religion, its people who pervert the teachings of the religion. why did'ent the security forces that were there do anything?? is that not what they were there for? things like this make me sick.
its never the religion, its people who pervert the teachings of the religion. why did'ent the security forces that were there do anything?? is that not what they were there for? things like this make me sick.

but the religion is the justification for it. a system which is so easily corrupted and vunerable to perversion is irrelevant in todays society. religion can make people do anything. people kill in the name of something they have no proof of.

we ban soo many things that cause people harm and cause people to do harm yet it is perfectly fine to fund religious causes and indoctrinate children into a lifestyle they did not choose.


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its never the religion, its people who pervert the teachings of the religion.

Thank you for making this point.

In the end, religion is not the "justification for it". It is fundamentalists using religion as a cover to push their own agendas - not unlike Bush and his anti-gay and anti-abortion stances.
And the so-called "liberators" of Iraq have used the same methods to torture and kill innumerable Iraqis, so it's hard for the west to say that Iraqis shouldn't be doing the same thing.
And the so-called "liberators" of Iraq have used the same methods to torture and kill innumerable Iraqis, so it's hard for the west to say that Iraqis shouldn't be doing the same thing.

they're not off the hook either; every party involved is guilty. nobody should be doing any of the bad things they are doing. no side taking here. that area is a mess and it's only gonna get worse.
well the Iraq war is Vietnam part 2, and unfortunatly no one has learned a thing from the Vietnam War, they still use the same tactics, but with less napalm and agent orange. when will we learn that we (the west) cannot solve the worlds problems when we are not wanted, we have problems at home, and perhaps we should work on those problems before we declare our selves the shining becon of culture and humanity we make ourselves out to be....
well the Iraq war is Vietnam part 2, and unfortunatly no one has learned a thing from the Vietnam War, they still use the same tactics, but with less napalm and agent orange. when will we learn that we (the west) cannot solve the worlds problems when we are not wanted, we have problems at home, and perhaps we should work on those problems before we declare our selves the shining becon of culture and humanity we make ourselves out to be....

exactly. we need to perfect our own society, we got enough to deal with on our plate. we need to stop breeding religious extremeism on our side and be a shining star & set good examples for others to follow.
