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fear factor


dan e 1980

from Joe

I did an appearance recently on my buddy Jim Breuer's sirius radio show, and I've gotten a ****ing shit load of emails asking me about this, and instead of using my clumsy fingers to sloppily try to type out my thoughts on something that’s almost completely beyond description, I thought I would put a link to the audio file up here for people to download. It's easily the weirdest interview I've ever done, and definitely the most interesting.
Be forewarned, it's some pretty trippy shit.

DMT and the meaning of life.

Contraindications: from WIKI

* Potentially fatal if currently taking an MAO-Inhibitor, such as many common anti-depressants
* Do not use if suffering from Schizophrenia or similar conditions, or if such runs in your family.
A girl who I'm close with (my ex, who is bi-polar), has caused me to research the hell out of this issue, and I still am not sure what to think about some of these drugs. Even she's not sure what's best for her, only that a combination of drugs and psychotherapy seems to work for her.
ya, you gotta be careful about existing conditions known or unknown.

the thing about DMT though is that you don't have to take it if you don't want to. your body will give it to you anyway. what you should be reading about is how to take advantage of the body's ability to dream (release DMT). have you ever been in a dream where you were aware? that is the ultmate high. usually you get scared when you are aware in a dream but sometimes i'm able to last a long time. it's the ultimate VR game.

basicly, people who smoke DMT cause a dream to happen while they're awake.

(my theory) if you've ever woke up from a nightmare, jumping awake, have you ever seen shadows or ghosts in your room? do you rush for the light so they go away?

that is DMT that is still active, playing tricks in your mind because you woke up way too fast for the MAO's in your brain to break down the DMT. one time i actually faded from a dream into reality, without out having one end all at once. imagine waking up seeing your room with a ghost image of your dream overlayed in your vision and slowly fading away. :eek

though i have never taken DMT, i believe joe rogan when he says that you are sent into another dimension. this isn't a buzz or an intoxication, it's a teleportation device. :eek
i have to find some buddhist monks who can show me how to get enlightened. those guys can control it themselves. their chants must have some resonant frequency that causes a release.
Even she's not sure what's best for her, only that a combination of drugs and psychotherapy seems to work for her.
Not only that but if she did figure out what was best it would only be a couple of months before it became problematic (balance changes with the season). Most bi-polars have to be able to rebalance their cocktail on a monthly, sometimes weekly, basis because minor environmental variables like the weather or stress.

Aside from that weekly fluctuation, many drugs lose effectiveness over a few years time and need to be phased out and replaced with different active ingredients.

Constant fun.
Well, she seems to have found a combination that works, but yes, sometimes their effectiveness fluctuates. But she's stubborn, so often she'll decide she doesn't like who she "is" on a particular drug regimen, stop taking it, and then enter a depressive state, or have a psychotic episode which lands her at the hospital. That's rare, but nonetheless it's harrowing.

Still...for all that, I love her so.
(my theory) if you've ever woke up from a nightmare, jumping awake, have you ever seen shadows or ghosts in your room? do you rush for the light so they go away?

that is DMT that is still active, playing tricks in your mind because you woke up way too fast for the MAO's in your brain to break down the DMT. one time i actually faded from a dream into reality, without out having one end all at once. imagine waking up seeing your room with a ghost image of your dream overlayed in your vision and slowly fading away.

i woke up from a nightmare tonight, i had the lights on in my room and when i opend my eyes, there were spiders crawling all over the walls. i kept my eyes open and watched them and seconds later, they were all gone.


why spiders? why not nude women? :lol
I've awoken to what I thought was my bed covered with worms. Absolutely horrific stuff for a few seconds until you convince yourself it can't possibly be real.

So let me get this straight - you take this shit to have this kind of experience? Sounds like fun, really does.:eek Oh to be a kid again...
that's some pretty freaky stuff elook.

like i said, i've never taken this or any other stuff.

rather than taking DMT, i'd rather try to take control of my dreams. i know it lasts only 5 minutes but 5 minutes is enough to lose ones bowels. :lol

it's too bad that they ban these thing rights out and don't even bother to do any R&D.
