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Father of 'problem child' LSD turns 100



wow, who knew he was still alive. My fave drug during my university days.

Father of 'problem child' LSD turns 100
Swiss chemist used himself to first test mind-altering drug

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Posted: 1441 GMT (2241 HKT)

Hofmann's hallucinogen inspired the 1960s hippy generation.

GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- The mind-altering drug LSD is an unlikely subject for a 100th birthday party.

Yet Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, father of the "problem child" and first human guinea pig of LSD, is celebrating his centenary Wednesday in good health and planning to attend an international scientific meeting on the hallucinogenic, which inspired a generation of flower children as it worried their parents.

"I sat down at home on the divan and started to dream," Hofmann told Swiss television network SF DRS about his first experience with LSD. "I had wonderful visions. What I was thinking appeared in colors and in pictures. It lasted for a couple of hours and then it disappeared."

Hofmann, who also has had bad experiences with the drug, continues to insist that the controversial substance should be used as a medical treatment, particularly for psychiatric research. But LSD's reputation has been as turbulent as some acid trips.

"Wrong and inappropriate use has caused LSD to become my problem child," Hofmann wrote in the foreword to his 1979 book "LSD - My Problem Child."

Although popular in the underground, the drug earned a bad reputation amid fatalities associated with hallucinations and reports of "flashbacks" -- a recurrence of hallucinations when no new dose of the drug had been taken.

Hofmann's hallucinogen inspired the 1960s hippy generation and was immortalized in the Beatles' hit "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," although the band denied any connection. It was also known as Like Swift Dead.

I produced the substance as a medicine. It's not my fault if people abused it."
-- Albert Hoffman
For decades after LSD was banned in the late 1960s, Hofmann defended his invention.

"I produced the substance as a medicine," he said. "It's not my fault if people abused it."

The Swiss chemist -- who still takes nearly daily walks in the small picturesque village where he lives in the Swiss Jura mountains with his wife of 70 years, Anita -- discovered lysergic acid diethylamide-25 in 1938 while studying the medicinal uses of a fungus found on wheat and other grains at the Sandoz pharmaceuticals firm, which is now part of Novartis. The company declined to comment for this story.

Hofmann was the first person to test the drug when a tiny amount of the substance seeped on to his finger during a repeat of the laboratory experiment in April 1943.

"Everything I saw was distorted as in a warped mirror," he subsequently wrote, noting his surprise that LSD was able to produce "such a far-reaching, powerful, inebriated condition without leaving a hangover."

The Beatles deny their song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" was named after LSD.
The chemist experimented with a larger dose three days later, but the result this time was a "horror" trip. His surroundings turned into threatening images. A neighbor who passed by his home to bring him the milk he craved was transformed into a wicked witch.

"I was filled with an overwhelming fear that I would go crazy. I was transported to a different world, a different time," he wrote.

Hofmann and his scientific colleagues hoped that LSD would make an important contribution to psychiatric research. The drug exaggerated inner problems and conflicts and thus it was hoped that it might be used to recognize and treat mental illness like schizophrenia.

The drug was popularized by one-time Harvard lecturer Timothy Leary, known as the "high priest of LSD," whose "turn on, tune in, drop out" advice to students in the 1960s glamorized the hallucinogen. The film star Cary Grant and numerous rock musicians extolled its virtues in achieving true self discovery and enlightenment.

But away from the psychedelic trips and flower children, stories emerged of people going on murder sprees or jumping out of windows while hallucinating. Heavy users suffered permanent psychological damage. The U.S. government banned LSD in 1966 and other countries followed suit.

Hofmann maintained this was unfair, arguing that the drug was not addictive. He repeatedly said the ban should be lifted to allow LSD to be used in medical research and took the drug himself -- purportedly on an occasional basis and out of scientific interest -- for several decades.

But he added a note of caution. "The history of LSD to date amply demonstrates the catastrophic consequences that can ensue when its profound effect is misjudged and the substance is mistaken for a pleasure drug," Hofmann wrote.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
by far probably one of the safest drugs when done with respect to set and setting and if no pre-existing hidden or visible psychological diosorders exist.

- according to some stuff i read. i have never tried the stuff though.

remember, drugs don't make bad lives good, they make good lives better.
remember, drugs don't make bad lives good, they make good lives better.

F%$k yeah! Now let's all go out and shoot some heroin!:rolleyes

I wonder if LSD extends your lifespan... someone should ask Hofman how much he takes.
I wonder if LSD extends your lifespan... someone should ask Hofman how much he takes.

I could see how in some cases, it may actually help to extend a persons life. If a drug, say LSD or Exctasy was taken occasionally (maybe 3 or 4 times a year), and as a result, the person found themselves with lower stress and in a more relaxed state and reducing physical strain this may put on their body, then it may have some positive side effects.

I largely agree with what Dan said. Drugs are certainly not for everyone and I would never agressively try to persuade a person into trying a drug such as LSD. But for some people, drugs work, and are a fantastic experience that is not only enjoyable, but can lead to random acts of creativity. This article makes me wish there was a rave at the Big O this weekend.
F%$k yeah! Now let's all go out and shoot some heroin!

oops. :eek

i meant the drugs that show some promise, not the ones that eat your body and damage your brain.

what i said was in respect to a leary quote.....

"I am 100 percent in favor of the intelligent use of drugs, and 1,000 percent against the thoughtless use of them, whether caffeine or LSD. And drugs are not central to my life" - Timothy Leary.

he doesn't use drugs to pull himself out of a bad life. you simply can't do that. his mindset is already good.
Well, heroine to say, pot, is like cars to bikes -- different things, fall under the same law or genre though.

Somehow I made it without ever trying acid. It always seemed dirty, i'd wonder what awful basement pail it was mixed up in. But it was so mythic, that i thought i should, but then i was over 25, and I think you have to do it under 25, because after 25, all the worries of life will, i think, freak you out too much on it.
remember, drugs don't make bad lives good, they make good lives better.

I disagree. Instead of freebasing they should be base jumping or something that is real. People need to get out more when a good time is messing with your perception of reality by taking drugs. If the party is lame then the party is lame... why take a drug to convince yourself otherwise. To me drugs are like convincing yourself your hand makes a great date.

can lead to random acts of creativity.

Umm... you could call it that I suppose. The kind of creativity that allows you to see something non-creative as creative.
Instead of freebasing they should be base jumping or something that is real. People need to get out more when a good time is messing with your perception of reality by taking drugs. If the party is lame then the party is lame... why take a drug to convince yourself otherwise. To me drugs are like convincing yourself your hand makes a great date.

not talking about crack here. also, not talking about drugs that mess with perception but rather open it.

The drug does not produce the transcendent experience. It merely acts as a chemical key — it opens the mind, frees the nervous system of its ordinary patterns and structures. -leary.

everyone is guilty of being a junkie. if you ever had a dream while sleeping, you are guilty of producing and using DMT. :p
Enviro> I think that's what he said....that if the party is bad, it will be bad, or worse, with drugs.

I would think though, that drugs, like base jumping, is as "real" as anything. But like base jumping, not for everybody. And also, saying "drugs" is problematic, because there are so many kinds, that you can't sum them up with one word.

Etc etc. Crack=bad, certainly. Pot, meh. Beer, meh. For some people, terrible.
Somehow I made it without ever trying acid. It always seemed dirty, i'd wonder what awful basement pail it was mixed up in. But it was so mythic, that i thought i should, but then i was over 25, and I think you have to do it under 25, because after 25, all the worries of life will, i think, freak you out too much on it.

I always thought the same things about acid. Maybe it was also growing up in a working class town where the people who took acid tended to be the ones who dropped out of high school and never moved more than a kilometer from where they were raised but acid always had a negative vibe surrounding it. I cant say that I regret never having tried it.

Umm... you could call it that I suppose. The kind of creativity that allows you to see something non-creative as creative.

Im not saying that doing drugs is an automatic cue to creativity. Ive looked at a lot of the work I have written or phtographed in an induced state and recognize that a lot of it is just nonsense.

Yet at the same time, there are momments, whether brought on by states of euphoria, or simply because you have managed to free your mind from daily worries and simply bask in the world around you, where you can be aided. Its no different then you have a few beers with your friends after you have broken up with a girl and have that conversation with your buddies that allows you to move on with your life. Its not that beer should be used soley as an agent to deal with problems in your life, but there are times where intoxication, of any kind, can actually put a person into a state that they might not normally be able to achieve and help them dealing with whatever life problem they face.

Again, Im not advocating drug use by all people. But different people have different ways of approaching life. For some people falling thousands of feet from the sky offers them that adrenaline rush and altered state they need to be able think rationally. For some, it might be doing lines of cocaine from time to time. And for some, it might be as simple as a few beers every now and then. Its not that one is any better than the other. All of them have the potential to harm themselves and other people. It is simply up to the individual to try to do so in a rational state of mind and in a manner that doesnt affect anyone around them.


