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direct energy ** scare tactics?


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Apr 23, 2007
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This may not be the right place for this topic, but since this seems to be city wide, I thought I'd post it here...

Anyone have these guys canvas your door? They came by our home last night with the most ridiculous and borderline illeagal sales pitch I've ever heard.
The conversation started with the sales guy introducing himself, then asking to see my most recent hydro and gas bill. When I asked why, he said "to make sure your protected" I asked what from and he said "rising prices"
I asked if I could have some sort of brochure or something and he told me that I had to sign to recieve the reading material in a few days.
I told him that I was happy with my provider and he replied with " we're the same company" I obviously question that saying that they weren't and he repeatedly tried to say that it's the same thing.
When the time came for prices I was a bit shocked. I was being asked to pay almost 30% more today to possibly save in 3 years, of course there is the chance that prices will drop and I'll lose money.

What really bothered me was the sales pitch, trying to say that they were the same company that I already deal with and by trying to pressure me into signing a 5 year contract on the sot without any sort of material to go over.
What if I was a senior or a new canadian with limited english? my bill would have jumped and there would be nothing I could do about it. I found it very sneaky.

Has anyone else dealt with these people and what was it like?
a long time ago i encountered a person like that. i think they try to sign you up without your consent. if i remember correctly, it happened to someone i know.

have fun with these people. don't give them any info of yours but look interested and make them talk for like half an hour or more and then tell them "well, i'm very interested but me and my family are converting to the amish lifestyle tomorrow".
thats a good one... I'll try that.

What really made me perk up was the fact that even if I signed the government states that they must call me directly and have me voice on record confirming that I have agreed to the service. You know they are a sneaky bunch when they have to go through all that just to sign you up.
They tried the same pitch with me several years ago, that natural gas prices were expected to increase by 30% or more over the next several months, and that I should 'lock in' the prices (at about 15% more than current prices).

I simply looked online at expectations for future natural gas prices, and found that prices were generally expected to DECREASE in that time period. So I told them 'no thanks', and sure enough, the prices I ended up paying for natural gas went down.
Just pull the old Seinfeld move. Tell them you're busy and that if they give you their home address, you'll come by later and talk to to them. When they say they can't do that, you say "Oh so you don't want people coming to your door? well now you know how I feel." and then you just close your door on them.

Seinfeld does it funnier, and he did it on the phone, but it's still a good laugh.
DE is notorious for shady business practices. I could tell you quite the interesting story about how they treat their small industrial clients. No time at the moment...
They treat me nicely - after my furnace conked out one night in the middle of the winter a few years ago they signed me up for their parts replacement and maintenance service and fixed it right away. Some other widget, also covered, was replaced the next year. It's an old furnace and I've done very well by them. They arrive on time for the annual check-up and they're neat, tidy, polite ... and sometimes cute.
I have had similar experiences. They come to the door, ask to see your hydro bill like they are some sort of official from the city, give you a speel that makes it sound like the sky is falling and your lights won't be on the next day. Having read about these hounds that have been showing up since the Tory deregulation days (less during the price cap) I knew that these people were a load of crap. If I am going to pay above market rates it is because I choose Bullfrog Power, not because I am going to give extra money away so that Direct Energy makes record profits. On average you loose by locking in rates... companies calculate the rates based on making profits. If you were paying substantially less than the market rates then some company would be loosing money or some company is hoarding a fuel source.
A little sign on the front door usually works wonders:

No junk mail
No canvassers
No solicitors

Also, don't open your front door to strangers. And if you do, don't sign everything they give you to sign.
They came to my house once too. I promptly asked what the person was selling. She replied, "nothing, I'm offering protection" in an innocent voice. Though I laughed at the pitch after I closed the door I wish these solicitors wouldn't waste my time like that. I would not sign any such contract, and the five year contract is an insult. I also have negative feelings on the religious losers at Easter questioning my beliefs.
I ask all solicitors, weather by phone or in person, for a valid credit card number, this usually stuns them, then they ask why, I tell them that my time isn't free (is theirs?) and that this conversation is going to cost them...then they usually leave me alone .
To which you replied "No need, I have protection in my nightstand drawer. Want to see it?"

what kind of magnum is it? the one that shoots projectiles or the one that catches them?
