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"Businesses Fleeing to the 905"


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Oct 12, 2007
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Moving on out - to 905

Crazy' property taxes have forced the hand of hundreds of T.O. businesses in recent years


Three years ago, Les Liversidge packed up his successful law office and moved out of Toronto.

He didn't go far.

Liversidge took his practice, his law books and his taxes across Steeles Ave. into Markham.

It wasn't a move he wanted to make, rather a "simple business decision" to escape Toronto's "crazy" taxes.

He's far from alone.

Hundreds, if not thousands of Toronto's businesses over the past several years have packed up their shops, factories and offices and moved to the 905.

In the iconic Danforth area, for example, 30% of retailers there now won't be around next year, according to a neighbourhood business survey.

Toronto's high commercial property taxes are making rents uncompetitive and unaffordable, city business groups say.


"If you're paying $10,000 in taxes for your little mom and pop bakery, you'd have to bake a lot of buns just to pay your tax bill," said Judith Andrew, vice-president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business in Ontario, which has more than 4,000 members in Toronto.

"I could see for many people, unless you absolutely had to be in the city, you'd want to run your business somewhere else."

Liversidge sold his Willowdale office (a house he "loved" that had been converted into a commercial space) at Yonge St. and Steeles Ave. when it no longer "made sense" to keep it because of burdensome taxes.

"I don't remember what my taxes were when I bought (the building) in 1992, which to me means they were not significant," Liversidge said.

He recalls paying somewhere in the neighbourhood of $6,000 and $8,000 in taxes annually.

But a dozen years later, thanks to property tax changes, provincial downloading, double digit spending and tax increases by city council, Liversidge's tax bill, like those of every business in Toronto, went through the roof.

His taxes hit $27,000 a year by 2005.

"More significant, I think, was a lack of predictability," Liversidge said. "I had no confidence that commercial real estate taxes would be controlled in any reasonable way," he said.

He now rents about the same amount of space in a new, modest-sized three-storey office building.

His rent is less than what his taxes were in 2004 in Toronto, even though the two buildings are only about five minutes apart.


"I would much prefer to be in Toronto, but it makes no sense," Liversidge said. "If this building was located 300 yards south (on the other side of Steeles in Toronto), I don't think I could afford it."

In 2005, the property taxes on a 250,000-square-foot office in the 905 were roughly $800,000 less than in Toronto. These numbers come from a study the City of Toronto conducted and are the most recent available.

Business groups, however, maintain the numbers are still reasonably accurate and applicable today.

As a consequence, employment growth in the 905 skyrocketed while job growth in the city has been stagnant and even suffered erosion.

Between 2000 and 2006, the 905 region added more than 300,000 jobs while Toronto lost 23,700 jobs.

Looking further back, over the past two decades, the 905 has added 800,000 jobs while employment in Toronto is still about 20,000 below its peak in 1989.

Back in 2002, a city report optimistically projected 1.84 million new jobs would be created by 2031, a number officials now suggest is less a "goal" and more a "target."

The falloff is in part attributable to migration of business, particularly small and medium-sized companies, in everything from manufacturing, and accommodation to administrative support and transportation.

Toronto's commercial and industrial taxes are higher than its neighbours for several reasons.

In part, relatively lower residential property taxes have put more of a burden on businesses operating in the city.

"It's all well and good to cushion residents ... however, at a certain point, people don't have to be here and they do leave," Andrew said.

Also in part, Toronto's business education tax rates are higher than those paid in the 905.

That's supposed to change, but not until 2014.

The bottom line, for business, is a tax disparity they can't afford to ignore.

Cindy Anisman, a spokesman for Kingsdown Sleep Systems, credits moving from the intersection of Hwys. 401 and 400 to Vaughan two years ago with their company's growing success.

Their facility in Vaughan is 120,000 square feet and employs more than 100 people.

"We needed to expand our business, and the only place that you could actually find an area big enough was north in Vaughan," she said.

"Taxes are lower, and utilities in a brand new building are a lot cheaper, too."


"It was a no-brainer to move," she added. "We're just sorry we didn't make this move earlier."

Toronto officials are fully aware of the taxation problem, and council has passed several new measures to try to stop the bleeding.

Three months ago, the city started a new program that allows manufacturers to improve their buildings or create a new building and get a "tax holiday" from higher taxes for a decade on the upgrade.

"It's the first of its kind anywhere, I believe," Christine Raissis, director of the city's strategic growth and sector services, told the Sunday Sun.

For the past few years, the city has also waived development charges on new commercial and industrial buildings, which it collects to pay for infrastructure such as roads and sewers.

"We forgo those, partly on the basis that our business and commercial property taxes are higher, so we're trying to do what we can in the short term to balance that (tax) differential," said Randy McLean, the city's economic policy manager. "We're forgiving the front end development charges because we want the jobs."

It makes a difference.

For a 100,000-square-foot industrial or small office development, those charges would amount to $827,000.

Toronto has also implemented a three-year-old plan to lower its commercial to residential property tax ratio to 2.5 to 1 within 10 years from its current 4-1 ratio -- to narrow the gap between what homeowners pay relative to business owners.

It's still dramatically higher than ratios in 905 communities but Andrew from the CFIB said at least Toronto is "heading in the right direction."

Other critics are less understanding.

"The city's proposal to bring the tax ratio in line ... is worthless because, at a minimum you're looking at 10 years before they achieve that level," said Lionel Miskin, v-p of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas.

"And each year your taxes still go up, but the residential tax rate is going up faster than the commercial rate."

"Maybe people will be happy about it in 10 years, if there is anyone working in the city anymore," he added. "I would say it is a crisis situation."

But Toronto council isn't the only level of government responsible for this city's jobs and businesses relocating to the 905.

Provincial education taxes are also a sore point.

In 2007, the Ontario government unveiled plans to equalize business education taxes across the province.


Historically, Toronto's Business Education Taxes were significantly higher than those paid in the GTA and will remain higher until the province completes its equalization plan in 2014.

Steven Sorensen, who chairs the Toronto Office Coalition, argues city and provincial measures need to be put in place sooner if the city is serious about retaining businesses and creating jobs.

"I think the benefits of introducing these measures in a more prompt fashion would pay off many times over in terms of the economic growth and vitality in the city," he said.

The city counters the cost of lowering the commercial tax ratio sooner would cost $600 million to $700 million.

However, the argument of when to lower taxes may be moot.

For the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas, the only real solution to the city's high business taxation woes is to develop a new taxation system.

The BIA association believes Ontario's property tax assessment system, which regularly updates the tax value of properties, is flawed and unfair.

The CFIB also thinks the city needs to focus on its core duties -- roads, public health, welfare and parks -- and curtail its spending habits to make Toronto more tax competitive.

In fact, a recent survey of its Toronto members -- all of them small and medium-sized businesses -- found 86% think the city needs to eliminate wasteful spending.

Among other things, the CFIB wants the city to contract out more services for competitive bidding, and do away with its fair wage policy, which requires private non-union companies doing work for the city to pay their employees city rates.

But the city, for its part, rejects the notion Toronto's taxes are posing a crisis for the business community.

In fact, the city argues, there are currently three new skyscrapers being built in the downtown core for a total estimated investment of about $1 billion.


The city is still the financial capital of Canada, home to the headquarters of five of the country's six national banks, 90% of Canada's foreign banks and the nation's largest stock exchange.

There is also growth in several important industries, namely computer systems, finance, health and education, which Raissis argues creates a synergy with the outlying areas of Toronto, whose specialty is mainly manufacturing.

"The performance of 905 is important to Toronto, and the performance of Toronto is important to 905," she said. "It's one economic region, but it's not homogeneous."

"We are not here to compete against the 905, we're all here as a region to present Toronto as an international market place," she said.
Hundreds, if not thousands of Toronto's businesses over the past several years have packed up their shops, factories and offices and moved to the 905.

In the iconic Danforth area, for example, 30% of retailers there now won't be around next year, according to a neighbourhood business survey.

No stats "hundreds, if not thousands!", no specifics, but lots of anecdotes. Now that's journalism!
Well, I guess the fact that it has taken 20 years to build the Bay-Adelaide Center is a sign of endorsement?

Really, if we eliminate the infestation of 40 story condos, what else is being built in this city?
I guess on these boards supply side economics only works for oil.
It will be interesting to see what the picture is like a few years from now, should the possible recession pan out. Manufacturing jobs seem to be the hardest hit, however Toronto lost most of its manufacturing jobs decades ago and shouldn't suffer much. Certain pockets of the 905 are heavily dependent on manufacturing, and could see large job losses.

Gas prices will also be a factor. Will people one day turn down job offers at companies that are far away and only accessible by car? I've already done that once, maybe others will too. This can only help centrally located business areas such as downtown and midtown.
The myopia of the core and its condo cranes hides larger issues in the city. Perhaps if people stopped looking down their noses at the majority of the city that is not in the core they would see the fundamental problems.

For the past few years, the city has also waived development charges on new commercial and industrial buildings, which it collects to pay for infrastructure such as roads and sewers.

"We forgo those, partly on the basis that our business and commercial property taxes are higher, so we're trying to do what we can in the short term to balance that (tax) differential," said Randy McLean, the city's economic policy manager. "We're forgiving the front end development charges because we want the jobs."

It makes a difference.

For a 100,000-square-foot industrial or small office development, those charges would amount to $827,000.

Looking at Toronto's Long Term Employment Land Strategy Report, it appears that the $827,000 Mr. Mclean is referring is really the amount Mississauga charges. The proformas show the development charges for Toronto at $20,000 and Mississauga at $827,000.

If anyone is interested in the true cost of Toronto`s treatment of its non residential sector I urge you to look at the report. Compare the cities total revenue.
No time to read it really ... but you're saying the development charges are way lower here? So our only problem is the high property tax?

I was having a look at the asking rent rate in a lot of areas and that definitely cannot be the reason businesses are leaving ... not any more at least. Other then downtown a lot of area's in Toronto i.e. NYCC, 401 / 404, 400 / 401 ..... having asking rents lower then in some suburbs in particular Markham parts of Vaughn ... so it's just property tax then?

Aren't we working to address that? Or is it not fast enough.

What always perplexes me is the 404/401 area there is quite a bit of space available in existing office building (I think the vacancy rate is a high 10 - 15 %) on top of that there's a ton of land to build on. But we sill way more projects just up the street at 404 / hi-way 7 or warden. Why??
NYCC another puzzle to me ... one would suspect a perfect place for development (good transit + hiway access) but I suspect the rent is a little higher here ... I think the vacancy rate in this area is really low though ...

I wish we would do a few things, 1) some sort of marketing campaign to businesses (small medium and large) to highlight exactly what's more expensive about doing business here ... if anything) 2) set up an organization where businesses that are considering moving can come to first 3) speed up the tax equalization plan.
My adult son quit his old job around the Mississauga Road and 401 area for another job at Eglinton and Don Mills. Instead of using his car, he uses the subway and bus to get to his job. He is now saving money on gasoline, has no stress from driving, and is able to read his books while riding to and from.

I worked in the 905 and found it very stressful to drive. The transit system out there is terrible and takes forever. I'm a transit user and do not like taking the car to get around, for large goods it is good, but not for small errands.

The reason buildings (office and residential) is cheaper in the 905, is that there is less demand for them.
No time to read it really ... but you're saying the development charges are way lower here? So our only problem is the high property tax?

Maybe not the only problem but certainly the biggest.

I was having a look at the asking rent rate in a lot of areas and that definitely cannot be the reason businesses are leaving ... not any more at least. Other then downtown a lot of area's in Toronto i.e. NYCC, 401 / 404, 400 / 401 ..... having asking rents lower then in some suburbs in particular Markham parts of Vaughn ... so it's just property tax then?

Those are most likely gross rents which do not include property tax.
The reason buildings (office and residential) is cheaper in the 905, is that there is less demand for them.

Again, look at the report. Land in Mississauga is nearly twice as expensive in Mississauga compared to North York.
$700,000 per acre in Mississauga vs. $450,000 in North York.
Interestingly though, places like MCC also had zero office developments, in spite of the fact that it's in a jurisdiction with low commercial property tax rates. I wonder why.

Yea it was just the rent without the property tax ... so again that points to the fact that the property tax is the reason.

Regarding the demand, yes I think you have it a little bit backwards. I find the rent is a good indication of the demand and in the 905 (some area's) it's quite higher then most of North York (i.e. 404/401) although not NYCC which could explain the problem on the little strip (i.e I mean right on Yonge) problem as in lack of development.

The reason there's a lack of development in their core is I think they've encouraged development to take place around the hi-way / airport. That's where you see all the new office parks. Markham has it a little bit better as at least hi-way 7 (which is no way people friendly) is more car friendly lol ... by that I mean at least everything is close together and more dense (between Leslie and Warden). I despise all the offices near the airport ... actually anyway in mississauga other then the city center ... they have it really bad off.
