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Brad Lamb - A developer in sheep's clothing



This is hilarious. I got to get this song..
National Post May 9 - A developer in sheeps clothing

Condo developer Brad J. Lamb's name and bald pate are familiar to most Torontonians thanks to his ubiquitous advertisements, particularly the billboards that feature his face Photoshopped onto a lamb with the slogan: This Lamb Sells Condos. That signature boast is now becoming famous worldwide thanks to a violinist named Owen Pallett, who records under the band name Final Fantasy. Pallett, who has worked with a who's who of the Canadian indie rock scene from the Arcade Fire to The Hidden Cameras to Les Mouches, has just released a song called This Lamb Sells Condos on his new album, He Poos Clouds.

But This Lamb Sells Condos is not a cheerful tribute to one of the most prominent faces of Toronto's construction boom. Rather, it is a vicious wolf attack on Lamb and his flock: "There's a merchant in our midst and with a barrel fist / He's coloured every surface, he's slapped up a portrait / And yes, it is his own! He's going to take your home!"

The song, which has no direct references to Toronto's king of condo sales outside of its title, also concerns the unhappy personal life of its nameless developer: "Now his massive genitals refuse to co-operate / And no amount of therapy can hope to save his marriage." The lyrics also include snippets of an argument between the developer and his wife that are heard if you "listen through the wall."

In real life, Pallett is a sometimes neighbour of Lamb's -- the violin virtuoso's boyfriend, Patrick, lives one floor below the developer's posh penthouse suite at 32 Stewart St. in Toronto's King West area.

On the Cleveland-based music blog Good Hodgkins, Pallett, currently on a European tour, elaborated on This Lamb Sells Condos' origins, noting that the impotent real-estate maven of the song is a fictional character, albeit inspired by Brad Lamb. "The issue is less with Brad in particular and more with the abstract notion of a condo developer," he wrote. "My boyfriend's apartment is right below his, however, and I used some ... overheard yellings in the song, which is brutal, yes, but these condos make me wickedly mad. It is turning Toronto into the architectural equivalent of a Glade Plug-In."

Reached yesterday at his office, Lamb said he had read the lyrics to This Lamb Sells Condos and listened to part of it; he was struck by how "personal" the song was, but noted that much of it was untrue. "I was married in the 1980s; I've never been married living at 32 Stewart," Lamb said. "I had a girlfriend that lived with me, two different girlfriends lived with me, and I can honestly say I've never had arguments about the kind of thing that he's talking about."

"I'd also like to think I've never raised my voice to the point where someone would hear our conversation, but I guess in apartment living, there's always points where noise can freely flow."

Lamb has no plans to respond to Pallett's song, legally or otherwise. "It's anyone's right to write what they want if it's not libellous," he said. "It's just words. ... I've developed a thick skin over the past 20 years. It will not be the last time someone says something unkind."
That's a riot.

Anyone who has ever had the pleasure (snicker) of interacting with B. Lamb should get a smile from this.

"I had a girlfriend that lived with me, two different girlfriends lived with me, and I can honestly say I've never had arguments about the kind of thing that he's talking about."

Too funny. So much ego, too.
I have never met Brad Lamb, although I have talked to him on the phone the occasional time. He is successful in his field and must be doing something right. I wonder if this musician, what's his name again?, a man of limited fame and perhaps limited ability, is suffering from a simple case of jealousy. His song isn't commentary on Toronto's condo scene, which would be an honest and legitimate social comment; it's a personal cheap shot plain and simple.
Another article about the song.

Globe and Mail (May 13) - This Lamb sells music

Realtor Brad Lamb is presumptive king of the Toronto condo real estate market, having sold, by his own count, about $2-billion worth of the things.

But even when these otherwise heavenly slices of sky are high end enough to entice Mr. Lamb himself to buy, they're not sound proof.

So when Owen Pallett was over at his boyfriend's one night in the condo directly below Mr. Lamb's and heard spatting from another unit, it got him thinking about how much he disliked condos, and about the people in general, and this little Lamb in particular, who were driving the development. And since Mr. Pallett's a singer and songwriter otherwise known as Final Fantasy, we can now listen to his Lamb-inspired fulminations, peppered with found speech from the people Mr. Lamb has chosen to live chock-a-block with.

"I feed you every morning and ask so little / But you belittle all the work that I do . . . I'm not defensive, I'm just saying this 'cause I love you / You know I hate it when your friends are in the pool."

As Mr. Pallett said on a blog about the lyrics of This Lamb Sells Condos (from the album He Poos Clouds), "I used some of their overheard yellings in the song, which is brutal, yes, but these condos make me wickedly mad. It is turning Toronto into the architectural equivalent of a Glade Plug-In."
Obsersver> I don't think it's the fame or limited talent. Observe more, and see the humour. Or don't.

This song, along with so much indie culture, continues to mythologize Toronto is so many needed ways.
Hey, it lights up his life
Brad Lamb song

Shawn: Sorry, I guess I didn't. Hope this doesn't make me a hopeless killjoy.

I tried to find the complete lyrics to this song and was unable to. Right now I can only judge based on the report in the National Post.

I would have no problem at all with a song satirizing the Toronto condo boom, but the lyrics as reported do not seem to be anywhere close to doing that. I would also have no problem with some satire aimed at Brad Lamb personally, up to a reasonable point. He is a public figure to some extent, at his own choice, and would be fair game for some gentle satire (maybe a riff on how hair-care companies are competing for his endorsement? :) ). It's a pretty poor person who can't laugh at himself sometimes. However, I think these lyrics go over the line to tasteless and very personal comment.

I wish Owen a successful career, and IMHO he will be more successful if he can come up with some real, witty and on-point commentary.
Re: Brad Lamb song

I didn't mean to call you a kill joy, if i did, you're not.

The rest of the album is full of Toronto, and Montreal, references. That, is good for the city.
Re: Brad Lamb song

Insofar as anyone listens to the musings of rockstar poseur wannabes.
Re: Brad Lamb song

^I understand not everybody listens to Rock and Roll, just like not everybody reads message boards about architecture, but both influence and affect in their little ways. What's the last bit of your sentence mean?
Re: Brad Lamb song

That the buildings will be around long after some self important hipster nobody's unheard cds have disappeard.
Re: Brad Lamb song

Brad Lamb and the proliferation of condos in general seem like a damn easy target. It almost makes you feel sorry for Lamb (almost).
Re: Brad Lamb song

That the buildings will be around long after some self important hipster nobody's unheard cds have disappeard.

And in the case of certain condos that is a really BAD thing :b

Observerwalt - Here are the lyrics to the song as well as a link to Owens intentions.

No hope for the village, no hope for the village There's a merchant in our midst and with a barrel fist He's coloured every surface, he's slapped up a portrait And yes, it is his own! He's gonna take your home! Have you seen our visitor? Look! Over the treetops! Newly conjured erections are making him a killing And Richmond St. is illing, so the graduates are willing To buy in to the pillage, now there is no hope for the village
Prisoners, be silent, be silent and be sharp

When he was a young man, he conjured up a firemare
And burnt off both his eyebrows and half a head of hair
And then as an apprentice, he took a Drowish mistress
Who bestowed upon his youthfulness a sense of Champagne Chic
Oh seduction, his seduction to the world of construction
Now his mind will start to wander when he's not at his computer
Now his massive genitals refuse to co-operate
And no amount of therapy can hope to save his marriage

Prisoners, be silent, be silent and be sharp
Can you hear them talking? Listen through the wall:

Nothing to do, nothing to do
Living rent-free is boring me
Got no use for my PE Degree
Got no use for my pedigree

I feed you every morning and ask so little
But you belittle all the work that I do
When you take that walk without permission
I'm not defensive, I'm just saying this cause I love you
You know I hate it when your friends are in the pool
Old money stinks, send those faggots back to Forest Hill
Contentment? What contentment? I am bald and impotent
Is that what it's about? Oh honey, honey, shut your mouth

Hedi Slimane
And Agnes B
I'm not content
I'm not content
Donna Karan
And Kara Saun
I'm not content
I'm not content

And Owen's response:
