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Bolivia...nationalization a problem?



Bolivia sees no need to pay for takeovers

By Carter Dougherty International Herald Tribune

FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2006

VIENNA The leader of Bolivia on Thursday ruled out compensation for nationalized oil and gas resources as he began facing tough European questioning at the start of a high-profile summit meeting here on energy and trade.
President Evo Morales sent in the army on May 1 to occupy oil and gas fields owned by BG Group of Britain, Total of France, Repsol of Spain and Petrobras of Brazil. He said there was no need to pay, since the companies had already recovered their investments plus profits.
Europe is watching the case carefully. The European Union wants closer economic ties with Latin America under normal rules of law. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the EU's commissioner for external relations, said Europe was looking for discussions with Bolivia and the affected companies.
"If there are already contracts, these have to be tackled and changed by dialogue," Ferrero-Waldner said.
The foreign minister of Austria, Ursula Plassnik, said: "The rule of law and trust are key issues not just for the Bolivian people, but also for investors."
But Morales was firm. "There is no reason to indemnify them whatsoever," he said at a news conference at the beginning of the meeting of dozens of European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders. "If we were to expropriate their technology or their assets, in that case there could be talk of indemnifying them, but that is not the case."
Morales added that there was "no reason for us to ask, no reason for us to consult, and there is no reason for us to discuss the policies of a sovereign nation."
Morales also confirmed expectations that his government planned to seize agricultural land and redistribute it to the peasantry, a prospect that has unnerved neighboring Brazil, whose Petrobras was already hit by the gas field nationalization and whose farmers hold land in Bolivia.
"We're not going to limit ourselves to oil resources," Morales said. "We're also going to finish with huge land owners, especially productive land, in our country."
Morales, an Aymara Indian, says that American-backed, free-market economic practices have failed to pull Bolivians out of poverty, and he criticized Colombia and Peru on Thursday for signing free-trade pacts with the United States.
"These countries that are now negotiating a free-trade agreement with the United States are abandoning the principles of the Andean community," the president said.
On the way to the meeting in Vienna, which was organized by Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel, who holds the European Union's rotating presidency, the Latin American leaders made various side trips that highlighted their other interests in Europe.
In an apparent overture to an institution he has often criticized, President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela passed through the Vatican to meet with Pope Benedict XVI and hear his concerns that Chávez might try to limit the church's influence.
President Michele Bachelet of Chile stopped in Bosnia and Herzegovina to visit with a small group of Chilean soldiers who are part of the peacekeeping mission there.
Schüssel, a conservative who is in a tight race for re-election this year, has used European Union meetings large and small to showcase his leadership in Europe, while also trying to show a populist touch.
On Thursday, he led a group of European officials that included the EU Commission president, José Manuel Barroso; Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz of Poland; and a raft of sports stars in a soccer match that benefited an Austrian charity.
The European Union is in free-trade talks with Mercosur, a grouping that includes Brazil and Argentina, and will announce the start of negotiations with Central America on Friday.
But it is more wary of the Andean nations because of Morales and Chávez's plans to leave the five-member Andean grouping of South American nations in response to existing deals with the United States.
Until the Andean countries find a common position, nothing will happen, said Ferrero-Waldner, the EU external relations commissioner.
Though the meeting includes heavyweights such as President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil and President Vicente Fox of Mexico, Morales attracted intense attention on the summit meeting's first day as he sought to persuade Europe that the nationalizations were a reasonable and just response to centuries of exploitation - above all of indigenous people - by foreigners.
Morales spent more than an hour explaining his position. Though known for his stirring rhetoric at home, he relied on sober arguments, and occasional touches of humor that included jabs at his British interpreter, to make his case in Europe.
Still, he avoided explicitly confrontational tones. He made no mention of the United States by name, even though his criticism of American policies has been biting in the past - and he avoided blanket condemnations of foreign investors.
"What we are looking for are partners, not bosses that exploit our natural resources," Morales said.
He reserved his most pointed words for Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of Spain, who he called a "strategic ally," but criticized for not doubling development aid and forgiving debts, as Morales says he promised before Bolivia's elections last year.
"I have won and nothing has happened," Morales said.
The Bolivian energy nationalizations are to be followed by a six-month phase in which the government renegotiates energy contracts.
Although Morales said Thursday that no compensation would be paid since there was no confiscation of energy companies' assets, Bolivian officials have said that if the new contract talks fail, expropriations are possible, and in that case, restitution would be made.
World leaders rebuke Chávez and Morales

By Carter Dougherty International Herald Tribune

FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2006

VIENNA A number of European and Latin American leaders criticized Bolivia and Venezuela on Friday for their hostility toward foreign investors. At the same time, these leaders vigorously defended efforts they are making to gain closer economic ties.
The more mainstream leaders were careful not to speak directly of the Bolivian president, Evo Morales, and the Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chávez, who are attending the same conference here. But behind their diplomatic language, they made it clear that they opposed the policy recipe of nationalization and opposition to free-trade agreements that the Bolivian and Venezuelan have promoted during their visits to Europe.
"There are always two possibilities," said Wolfgang Schüssel, the Austrian chancellor, who is the host of the gathering of European Union, Latin American and Caribbean leaders. "Either you want to open your markets or you don't want to open your markets."
Open-market societies "are better in their performance than closed, restricted structures," Schüssel said.
President Vicente Fox of Mexico, a former Coca-Cola executive, delivered the most pointed critique of Bolivia and Venezuela, whose nationalizations and populist rhetoric have proven wildly popular at home. In contrast, Mexico long ago embraced the North American Free Trade Agreement, linking it with the United States and Canada.
"It's a false exit from poverty," Fox said of the Venezuelan model. "That's what I think populism is. We need a policy for social development without lying to anyone."
The Peruvian president, Alejandro Toledo, said that populist appeals would be "a great party overnight and end in a great headache and sorrow for everyone, including the poorest."
Chávez, a maverick former army officer who has won acclaim by sniping at the United States, did not relent in Europe, and rejected criticism of the sort that Fox mounted. "Now a new era has begun in Latin America," Chávez said upon arriving at the summit Friday, according to Reuters. "Some call it populism, trying to disfigure our beauty."
Venezuela is pressing to have its state-owned energy company take bigger shares in its ventures with European and American producers. Morales nationalized Bolivia's oil and gas resources on May 1, a move that affected giants like British Gas, Spain's Repsol and France's Total.
Morales, who opened the summit meeting with a pugnacious vow not to compensate foreign companies for Bolivia's nationalizations, chose a softer tone on Friday.
After meeting with Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of Spain, Morales gave the Spanish government a letter that promised "genuine, lasting legal security" for foreign companies once new energy contracts are negotiated. The countries will form a commission of experts to discuss the nationalizations, which affect the heavy investments that Spain's Repsol has made in Bolivia.
Later, Zapatero called on Bolivia to permit Repsol "reasonable profitability" as energy contracts are renegotiated. "I am confident that the process of negotiation that is going to start directly in a bilateral way will be a process that can lead to an accord," Zapatero said, Bloomberg News reported.
The summit's final declaration gave a nod to "the sovereign right of countries to manage and regulate their natural resources."
But President Jacques Chirac of France spoke up for stronger trade links and urged concessions by the Latin American countries so that the Doha round of trade liberalization under the World Trade Organization can succeed.
"Trade and investment growth must lie at the heart of the relationship between our two regions," Chirac said. He said European companies wanted to support Latin America "based on the sovereign choices of each state and within a framework in which legal security and equity are fully ensured."
José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, likewise stressed that "the best way forward is for an ambitious, balanced Doha round."
With one eye on nervous markets that this week pushed the price of oil back above $70 a barrel, Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain emphasized that Bolivia's and Venezuela's actions "matter enormously to all of us," given the voracious global appetite for energy.
"My only plea is that people exercise the power they've got in this regard responsibly for the whole of the international community," Blair said.
The wrangle in Bolivia has drawn in Brazil, which is trying to manage a balancing act. Brazil has usually played a friendly leading role in commercial integration within South America, but now finds itself having to get tough with Morales on behalf of Petrobras, the Brazilian energy giant. Foreign Minister Celso Amorim of Brazil professed "indigation" over accusations by Morales that Petrobras, a large investor in Bolivia, had acted illegally.
