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Bagless grocery shopping? (Loblaws Milton)


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May 1, 2007
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Hamilton, ON
The new Loblaw Superstore (new name) in Milton, which opens in a few weeks, is the first store to be totally bagless. They won't have any plastic bags at the checkouts at all (not even to buy). Neat concept...fingers crossed it works.
Bagless? Wow? So how do people carry their stuff home? Those reusable bags or the no frills method?
Costco is bagless - there's the mad scramble at the checkout to grab cardboard boxes. Or you grab boxes throughout the store - but Loblaws isn't warehouse - so the availablility of boxes to grab wouldn't be as high.

It'll probably be fine - most people keep cardboard boxes in their trunk - so from cart to boxes in the trunk of the car. Tougher though for meat and wet stuff or for walkers.
any milton loblaw's shoppers want a tote bag? I'll make you one at cost plus tip;)

on the Vintage raghouse front I just read there's a new shop at 909 Dundas St W@Ossington: read the article then find if they sell more than the usual junk: Should give those gals at 69 vintage a run for their money....

It's amusing how lazy I've become: I read about new hipster shops opening in my (within walking distance) nabe from the globe first! A sign that I no longer give a D--- about my old fashion biz?

There's a new baby shop open down the street from me (across from high park) for those here with toddlers.

Finally, here's a useful shopping tip I've learned to live with: For those into bagless shopping, try not shopping at all!!! It does indeed save you money....
Bagless is great if you drive to the store, but someone like me, who lives within a 5 minute walk of 2 supermarkets, I like getting off the bus, walking to the store, getting my groceries in plastic bags, taking it home, and reusing the bags for my trips to the garbage chute.

So it'd work great in Milton where practically everyone drives (especially to a RCSS). Not in an urban setting so much.
I'm not going to use a shopping cart, because like I said, I get off the bus from work, go to the store and go home from there. I'm not going to carry around a Loblaws or Dominion bag just in case, I'm not going to get in a car to do groceries (a car truck is where it might make sense to store reusable bags), and I reuse the bags I get.

Grocery bag taxes and bagless stores are almost pointless in the grand scheme of things, especially as I have trouble finding Ontario fruit, even in season (so much trucked in from California, even peaches, which were just in season and so good from Niagara), food stuffs are so overpackaged (though since I buy most of my groceries in the perimeter, avoiding prepared foods for the most part, I don't do too bad), and so much energy is wasted by people driving to big box stores in sprawlholes that pretend to be environmentally friendly by going bagless.
hmm you could always do your shopping on the weekend. Although since I moved to my current address, I'm still getting used to the lack of 24 hour grocery shopping--I used to do all my shopping after work too--I worked PM shift thus loved shopping@1AM. Peaceful, but the lack of fresh bread was a tad annoying.

Galen Weston wants bagless shopping because "going green" is trendy and sells to the middle class. It's really like those "green" condos they're selling now: what's so green about removing a gigantic ecosystem from one area and dumping it in another then replacing it with a concrete (concrete contains nasty harmful things requires tons of fossil fuel to make and deliver etc) block filled with people that are less likely to recycle (stats back that up) and more likely to be rich enough to own a car! Green condos are no more "green" than Toyota Prius' or suburban ranch bungalows.
When I was a child everyone took their own shopping bags to the stores - this plastic bag nonsense has only been going on for the past forty years or so - so I love how they're promoting it as something new.
Ah yes, the annual Film Fest bag. How many pockets this years? Will it have an integrated water bottle holder on the outside? I think the one that did from several years ago remains my favourite...

...and yes, the bigger ones have made good shopping bags.

When I was a child everyone took their own shopping bags to the stores - this plastic bag nonsense has only been going on for the past forty years or so - so I love how they're promoting it as something new.
Didn't groceries use paper bags in the pre-plastic days?

Paradoxically, I reckon Loblaws was a epigrammatic pioneer in plastic-bag shopping in the Don Watt-i-fied 1970s...
My most unfavourite times as a kid include a mix of paper grocery bags and rain storms.
