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A UT Dream

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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From time to time, if not often, we all have odd dreams.

Most of which we don't remember, most of those we do should probably not see the light of day in conversation in this forum.........

But I woke up the other day remembering that my last dream was about UT.

And as odd as it's been making me smile off and on for awhile now.

So I thought I'd share.

I dreamt I was attending a press conference by the Mayor; and several well known Toronto developers.
I immediately noticed @interchange42 was accredited media for the event.
The theme was the Mayor's Design Excellence initiative.
So it opened with all the appropriate platitudes from the Mayor and thank yous and intros and then the floor was turned over to one developer who was to act as spokesperson for the group of developers participating in the initiative.
I knew that developer too, but he shall remain anonymous............LOL
Anyways.......The announcement is made that a consortium of Toronto developers has agreed to elevated and original design in their new buildings in exchange for expedited planning review, and reduced development charges.

Then the floor is opened to questions w/o a single building being unveiled.

After a few uninteresting media questions, it was 42's turn..................and......he started with this:
"One concern expressed by many Torontonians, and in particular, members of our community at Urban Toronto has been the over-reliance on safe colours in design, is there any commitment in this process to avoid more pale greens and greys?"
The developer then answered "Thank you for the question, there is, in fact a specific commitment to avoid green, grey and pale blue as primary colours in any designs under this initiative"
To ensure originality, we asked a team of designers and architects to pick a selection of colours they thought would make interesting buildings; and there will be, and has been for the first few buildings a draw, in which each colour picked by a developer can be used only by that developer for 3 years, as a primary design colour."

He then added; "Before you ask, our company drew the first colour, and it was a deep blush colour"


'42' then asked for a follow-up question....
" That's excellent to hear about variety of colour", said 42 " but many would also like to know what effort will be made to keep form original and dynamic"

The developer then answered........."We all agreed to pick a theme each year around which buildings had to be designed, that had to be reflected in the form/shape, in addition to the colours chosen"'; " There is no requirement to be
photo-realistic to the inspiration, but many of us are aspiring to that"

The developer then moved to ask for other questioners.

Then my phone went off............everyone's phone went we all got a text than included a render...........
The first new building was to be inspired by a watermelon.........standing on its end, with wedges cut out on 4 sides to allow windows..................the primarily colour inside the wedges was to be the deep blush on both the cladding and glazing, with every unit having a single juliet balcony in black emulating the seeds of a watermelon.
The outside of the building was the secondary and tertiary colour, a variegated two-tone green.
The windows again tinted the same colour as the cladding.

I looked down and saw the text was the front the Front Page of Urban Toronto, with a credit underneath to @ProjectEnd .


That's when I woke up............

It having stuck with me.............I actually googled........"building shaped like watermelon" my amusement...............this came up:



It's a hotel, in Sao Paulo
I once had a dream.

It's a rather bizarre dream.

It's about the preservation of the Kirby and the Pokémon mural in the University of Toronto Schools:


Credit: @AlbertC



@SaugeenJunction needed a mural to decorate a building to be used as a backdrop for the CLRV he purchased in his family's farm in Priceville.

He thought that it looked perfect for a backdrop.

However, University of Toronto Schools is planning on removing the mural and replacing it with an annex with a glass exterior akin to that of all the condos being built throughout the city.

Realizing that physically moving the mural would be infeasible as it involves moving the wall, he asked Kotsy to take a photograph.

Kotsy arrived.


Credit: @kotsy

Kotsy then took a photograph of the mural for SaugeenJunction.

Afterwards, Kotsy showed SaugeenJunction a special trick.

Kotsy explained, "You see, there's a sidewalk that was cured a few decades ago. I can uncure the sidewalk slab, write my name on it, and thoroughly re-cure the sidewalk. All within minutes!"

Kotsy did exactly that.

He showed SaugeenJunction a collection of photos he took with many of the sidewalk slabs having his name on them.

Kotsy Sidewalk.png

Here is one such example. Credit (both the original photo and manipulation): Johnny Au

Kotsy and SaugeenJunction arrived at the latter's family farm and used a brush. It magically re-created the mural on the wall of a temporary building to be used as a backdrop for the CLRV.
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@Northern Light Writing down dreams helped me lucid dream because you kind of train yourself to recognize yourself to recognize when you're dreaming.

I've had vivid dreams for years--almost every night and often multiple times a night. I have a 90 page word doc listing all of my dreams for the past three years.
I know I'm too into development/real estate when I have a dream about renovating my apartment. The only twist is that I asked @Northern Light if he approved of the renovations 😏

Its fascinating when you dream about people who you haven't met.........

Whose personality you may have a sense of .............but not their appearance, or the sound of their voice.........

Your mind has to fill in those blanks............


PS, what did the reno look like?
Its fascinating when you dream about people who you haven't met.........

Whose personality you may have a sense of .............but not their appearance, or the sound of their voice.........

Your mind has to fill in those blanks............


PS, what did the reno look like?
Ah, I couldn't even tell you. Sometimes my dreams suggest ideas to me without precise images. Maybe a bathroom reno because I am actually looking to do that LOL
I once dreamt that the waterfront was legit......then I woke up, looked out my window and cried my sorry ass back to sleep,
Ok....the fact I remember the key image of this dream demands I type it out, LOL

Its not particularly UT themed, except for taking place in some park in Toronto I've never actually been to (presumably because it doesn't exist); and involving one other UT member.

In the dream, I'm parking my car beside a public park, on a dirt parking lot, the condition of which would remind people of the Cherry Beach parking lot before it was paved...........
This park is basic trees and grass, but the trees are quite mature, and what makes the park somewhat unique, is that its only accessible by laneways, no street frontage; and by a thin footpath running along side the Lakeshore rail corridor.

So anyways, I don't remember why I was there, just that I was to walk through the park to find the laneway out to a neighbouring street..........
But as I'm walking through the space, there's a large Filipino family having a cook out.

Being a foodie, I have to stop and see what they're making and inquire............and then who should popup from behind a table.....but @innsertnamehere .... (who is not Filipino) ....and therefore stood out in the group........
We recognized each other (we've only met once)........ and he introduces me to the group, while explaining that they are making deep-fried, pickled, watermelon slices to go with lunch. (pretty sure that's not culturally authentic) LOL
I'm offered a bite of one...................which I take........and it is unsurprisingly odd............. and that's where the dream ends.


Let me note with some bemusement, that the dream that had me start this thread, also featured Watermelon!


Postscript: As with the last time, I couldn't resist googling .............

What do you know..........there are recipes for pickled watermelon out there and for deep fried watermelon............ so far I don't see any that combine the two precisely, but this one comes kinda close:

