Developer: Development Collective, 1956565 Ontario Inc
Address: 120 Bouchette St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Unspecified), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 535 ft / 163.20 mStoreys: 49 storeys
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Toronto 120 Bouchette Street | 163.2m | 49s | DevColl | Turner Fleischer

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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This new to the AIC application is for the privately owned lands immediately west of McCleary Park, at Lake Shore Blve and Bouchette. It seeks approval for 3 new towers at 43, 46 and 49 storeys in height.

Site as it is: (from the Planning Report)



The Application:

----- From the Docs ------






Site Plan:


Ground Floor Plan:




FSI: 16.79

Elevators - 15, Unit Count 1626 - 0.92 elevators per 100 units or 1 elevator per 108.4 units

Parking Ratio: 231 spaces to 1626 units is 0.14

It's 6:24am, I'll leave the comments to later, LOL

I'll flag @3Dementia here so I can throw off his Doors Open schedule this morning.

And @Paclo, of course.
Here is a screenshot from the architectural plans, showing the heights including the mech. penthouse.

Building A - 145.5 metres, 43 floors

Building B - 154.35 metres, 46 floors

Building C - 163.2 metres, 49 floors

120 Bouchette Street.png
I dunno... this is rather close to the stench of the waste transfer station, also on Bouchette, just south of this location along Commissioner. I can imagine that on certain humid summer days the smell might be intolerable.


Well, that height will certainly be noticed by the locals.... three towers, no less. Hard to believe how much soaring verticality is creeping eastward after so many years of rather modest and lo-rise development.

It's also a convenient location as temporary digs for visiting directors, producers and talent attached to various shows that will be shooting down in the Portlands.
I dunno... this is rather close to the stench of the waste transfer station, also on Bouchette, just south of this location along Commissioner. I can imagine that on certain humid summer days the smell might be intolerable.


Well, that height will certainly be noticed by the locals.... three towers, no less. Hard to believe how much soaring verticality is creeping eastward after so many years of rather modest and lo-rise development.

It's also a convenient location as temporary digs for visiting directors, producers and talent attached to various shows that will be shooting down in the Portlands.
So are you saying that you are unaware that the Commissioners Street Transfer Station is being decommissioned and may be turned into an arts venue?🫢
Just another excessively dense block with excessively tall towers and grossly excessive, uninterrupted perimeter podium height. The architecural design is nice.

No parking here? If there is a no mans land this close to the downtown than this would be it. 20,000 people living here doesn't change much about it.
