Developer: Core Development Group
Architect: Studio JCI
Address: 1111 Danforth Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 150 ft / 45.85 mStoreys: 13 storeys
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Toronto 1111 Danforth Avenue | 45.85m | 13s | Core Development | Studio JCI


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May 7, 2007
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It seems a condo is inbound for the former St Catherine of Siena Catholic church and the former Trull funeral home, on the south side of Danforth east of Greenwood. Studio JCI for Core Developments.
It seems a condo is inbound for the former St Catherine of Siena Catholic church and the former Trull funeral home, on the south side of Danforth east of Greenwood. Studio JCI for Core Developments.

Bringing that Render forward for everyone:


Hmmm, I'm mostly ok w/this, the scale/massing is quite good. Looks to be 9s I think.

I'm not sold on how the retail/grade is handled at this point. I want to see the retail space more forward than set-in; and I'd like to see a slightly larger space btw the grade and second floors to allow for proper signage.

Also the box over the former funeral home should be re-thought.



Based on my read of the render, this must include the adjacent church property.


For the title: Core Developments; and Studiojci is the architect
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Core have just registered to Lobby on this one.

Presumably the application will be forthcoming shortly.

As part of the above registration, formal confirmation of the properties in question, shown below on this aerial pick (no surprises)


Shape is a bit interesting, I wonder if the City won't encourage buying up 17-25 Byron to punch the laneway through (assuming they aren't unlisted portions of the assembly)
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Definitely some good points about the retail, however I will say what a positive difference carrying the masonry down to street level makes. It avoids that brick box floating on a glass wall look, instead grounding the building nicely. Now they just need to fix the glass box floating on top of the heritage element...
ZBA application submitted:

Development Applications

Project description:
Zoning By-law amendment application to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a 9-storey mixed-use building having a non-residential gross floor area of 629.4 square metres, and a residential gross floor area of 12,502 square metres. 228 rental dwelling units are proposed.
The unit mix doesn't work for me. There needs to be a shift to having 1Bed and 1Bed+Den be a more substantial component. Most people don't want to live in studio sized shoe boxes. While the larger 3 and 4B's are nice in concept, it really depends if they're affordable.
Ok........from the Docs.......

12 Parking Spaces - 10 Visitor, 2 Carshare -- Zero Resident Parking


Lane way is extended (as a private driveway) across the site, but zig-zags rather than going through the site of the existing SFH:


Sample Floor Plan - 4 bdrms are real and mostly quite large. But the studios are mostly under 300ft2





Edit to Add:

Very elaborate streetscaping proposal.

Interlocking pavers for sidewalk in an elaborate pattern no less, paving treatment extends to driveway and crosswalk, lots of trees, decorative grates.

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The floor plan is ... uhhm ... "interesting"...?

572 sq ft listed as 2-BEDROOM..?
949 sq ft listed as 4-BEDROOM..?

Expect that the City (and Councillor) will want to knock some of the STUDIO units together into bigger units, and adjust some of those small 4-BEDROOMS down to 3-BEDROOMS.
Getting rid of too many 4-bedroom units would be a pretty poor idea in my eyes. Not every family with more than 2 children will necessarily want a detached house, which seems to be the only kind of dwelling with 4+ bedrooms that exists nowadays. Even most townhouse/walk-up proposals I've seen don't go above that precious 3.
Ideally, the two studios nestled into the smaller 4-bedrooms can be merged into the 4-bedrooms, and maybe combining some of the others into 1-bedrooms and 2-bedrooms.

The streetscaping is A+, though.
Getting rid of too many 4-bedroom units would be a pretty poor idea in my eyes. Not every family with more than 2 children will necessarily want a detached house, which seems to be the only kind of dwelling with 4+ bedrooms that exists nowadays. Even most townhouse/walk-up proposals I've seen don't go above that precious 3.
Ideally, the two studios nestled into the smaller 4-bedrooms can be merged into the 4-bedrooms, and maybe combining some of the others into 1-bedrooms and 2-bedrooms.

The streetscaping is A+, though.
What I am saying is that they have units in that image at 948 sq ft. 1,196 sq ft & 1,519 sq.ft --- that are all listed at 4-BEDROOM units.

The units under 1,000 sq ft are really 3-BEDROOM units, and should be treated as such - unless, as you said they absorb the STUDIO units into them.
