Senior Member
Ward 16 - North York District
Ward 16 - North York District

Application Information Centre
Search for details about current planning applications and Minor variance and Consent applications. Application Information Centre For best results, please use the latest version of Microsoft IE/Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. As of July 30th, the Application Information Centre has...

This is the first residential application (Block 12) for Site Plan Control related to the redevelopment of the former Celestica lands, now known as Crosstown. This application proposes the construction of three towers of 32, 34 and 39 storeys atop a podium ranging from 2 to 5 storeys, a portion of which is the retained facade of the Parkin Building. Also proposed on the site is an 8 storey mid-rise, and 18 3 storey back-to-back townhouses. A POPS connection is proposed through the site, connecting further public Street C with Block 14B, which will be open space. An underground garage will accommodate 957 vehicle parking spaces and 7 care-shares spaces. 1,260 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed, as well as one bike share station.