Architect: Superkül
Address: 365 Parliament St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 2
Height: 290 ft / 88.25 mStoreys: 25 storeys
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Toronto Regent Park: Daniels on Parliament | 88.25m | 25s | Daniels | Superkül


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Feb 26, 2018
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Hey everyone, I'm new to this forum and I apologize if I put this in the wrong section, but I have been following the Regent Park revitalization quite closely for the past few years. If I recall correctly, all of Phase 3 parcels of land have development applications made except for Block One located on Gerrard and Parliament? I was wondering does anyone know if there is any information available on or if there is a development application for Block One as I can't seem to find any information other than the buildings that currently accompany that parcel of land are set to be demolished in September 2018?
Nothing yet - as mentioned on the last page - demo of those buildings is expected in Fall this year. It will be a market condo building for Daniels
The last part of Phase 3b-2 which includes 365 Parliament Street and 295 Gerrard Street East will be demolished in Summer 2019.
Why the delay? I thought it will be demolished this coming September
There are 87 families currently living in 365 Parliament Street and 295 Gerrard Street and they want to relocate the eligible families directly into a new unit in either 50 Regent Park Blvd which is already open, 21 Tubman Avenue opening in July 2018 and 110 River Street in February 2019. The other remaining families will receive their 5 month relocation notice in Summer 2018. Since 110 River Street is opening in February 2019 and if eligible households choose that building, TCHC does not want to have them move twice within a span of few months so they have decided to keep the buildings open and postpone the relocation process for other families. Daniel's last project with Regent Park for Phase 3 will be Block One and then for Phase 4 and 5, they will have a bid for a new developer which can also include Daniels.
There are 87 families currently living in 365 Parliament Street and 295 Gerrard Street and they want to relocate the eligible families directly into a new unit in either 50 Regent Park Blvd which is already open, 21 Tubman Avenue opening in July 2018 and 110 River Street in February 2019. The other remaining families will receive their 5 month relocation notice in Summer 2018. Since 110 River Street is opening in February 2019 and if eligible households choose that building, TCHC does not want to have them move twice within a span of few months so they have decided to keep the buildings open and postpone the relocation process for other families. Daniel's last project with Regent Park for Phase 3 will be Block One and then for Phase 4 and 5, they will have a bid for a new developer which can also include Daniels.
Makes sense. I'm hoping for another grocery store in phase 3 as the FreshCo is reaching full capacity.
I've been waiting for the Gerrard Street frontage to go! I wonder why this is the last? Is it because it is the 'best' location adjacent to Cabbage Town I wonder?
Fencing has gone up with neon green GFL banners around the apartments currently in Block 1 (see master plan below). This is the block southeast of Gerard and Parliament. The apartments looked empty so I guess demolition is happening soon!

It's weird that block 1 is isolated from the rest of phase 3. I don't recall seeing any plans for the building that is slated to built at Parliament and Gerrard. Has anyone else seen plans fo that corner?
No, no public plans yet. This block was moved from Phase 4 to Phase 3 just to ensure that it was next to be done, in response to community concerns. Not sure what the specifics of the concerns were.

No, no public plans yet. This block was moved from Phase 4 to Phase 3 just to ensure that it was next to be done, in response to community concerns. Not sure what the specifics of the concerns were.

That makes sense, but why are they preparing to demolish the building when there is nothing to replace it?
There would be a plan for what to replace it with, it just wouldn't be submitted to the City yet. That submission could com tomorrow for all we know. I assume that the tear-downs take place right after TCHC has closed the building down; they are not going to want the closed buildings to sit empty, requiring money to be spent on security.

