Developer: CreateTO, Alterra Group of Companies, Mahogany Management
Architect: Sweeny &Co Architects Inc., Montgomery Sisam Architects
Address: 777 Victoria Park Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 375 ft / 114.20 mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto 777 Victoria Park Avenue | 114.2m | 35s | CreateTO | Sweeny &Co

Good! This is exactly the kind of multi-use complex which should be sitting alongside a subway station, not a surface parking lot!

Situated in Scarborough, the site at 777 Victoria Park is currently used as a TTC parking lot and bus station. Given its location, Build Toronto will be looking at integrating the existing TTC services and parking into a new residential development that will introduce new retail and community space into the neighbourhood. We are also working on integrating a new affordable housing program as part of the residential component.

I underlined "and parking" in the quote above, to highlight that those who use the lot now for commuter parking need not worry (other than during construction) that those in charge have not forgotten their car-parking needs.

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TY for posting.

A few quick observations at this juncture.

I have no real issues with preliminary density/massing.

Traffic management plan has a couple of quirks. 17 car share spaces is rather ambitious and I think they might want to talk w/the carshare companies are whether there will be uptake at that level.

The plan discusses the painted curb lines on Victoria Park as if they were bike lanes (they function that way and are planned to be), however, these have not been formally designated.

No contemplation seems to have been given to how Victoria Park would need to be altered were those bike lanes extended south to Gerrard as is proposed in various bike plans.

In looking at the various plans I can't firmly conclude if the proposal places trees between the pedestrian clearway (sidewalk) space and the curb, it should, in order to ameliorate walking conditions.

The hydrology plan seems to omit the creek that ran across this site historically. I'm not suggesting that that be restored, LOL, rather I'm surprised it isn't referenced in terms of how that water was redirected (piped) and any implications.

The route of the original creek remains green/open space on the otherside of Victoria Park, and that area can get quite sloshy in spring or after heavy rains.
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That really is peculiar that they've made the more southerly building so squat. It's shorter than the next existing building to the south.
I really can't understand why we are going so modest on top of subway stations. City Planning really has their claws around CreateTO or what?

In terms of delivering on the objectives of HousingNow, it almost feels like it would have been preferential to sell these sites to the private sector with clauses, and tell them to rezone it themselves!
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Planning is hamstrung by slavish adherence to their own anachronistic policy. The way they see it (not incorrectly), they can't reasonably tell a developer something is 'too tall', then come around and try and zone something else to those heights. It's dumb, but it's safe.
Planning is hamstrung by slavish adherence to their own anachronistic policy. The way they see it (not incorrectly), they can't reasonably tell a developer something is 'too tall', then come around and try and zone something else to those heights. It's dumb, but it's safe.
CreateTO is supposed to avoid these conflicts of interests by acting as if they were any other developer though.

As a Toronto taxpayer, I am more than fine with CreateTO taking the city to LPAT if it results in attaining the density that these sites should be delivering.
There aren't stacked townhouse blocks either. I don't necessarily oppose taller or greater density. It's still good coverage and density. I think we've become jaded to 90 storeys and 30 plus FAR
