Developer: Tridel
Address: 575 Bloor Street E., Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: 454 ft / 138.37 mStoreys: 46 storeys
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Real Estate Forum 5 posts
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Toronto Via Bloor | 138.37m | 46s | Tridel | a—A


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May 6, 2007
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Came across this on their website. Corner of Bloor and Parliament.
"Envisioned as a new retail promenade, Tridel will be extending Bloor Street’s famed shopping to create Via Bloor"

I'm glad that Tridel is extending the Mink Mile to Parliament Street. That isn't sarcasm. I totally mean it. Really.
So this is the replacement for St James Town North?

Wondering if they're still envisioning redevelopment of the rest of the block.
This is a great location to live. Very close to two subway stops and Cabbagetown. Within walking distance to the Danforth. A view of Rosedale if looking north. An interesting view of downtown to the south. A view of my future home to the SE.
There is already a thread for North St Jamestown and the drawings and renderings of this building have been available since the summer on the planning department's website. The North St Jamestown project was divided into two parcels.

The detailing looks like it will be nice, although the one-storey retail pavilion at the west of the towers strikes me as a bit odd.
There is already a thread for North St Jamestown and the drawings and renderings of this building have been available since the summer on the planning department's website. The North St Jamestown project was divided into two parcels.
Now that Tridel has this half of the site, we'll be keeping this thread for its development. The earlier thread will cover the section that Lanterra has retained.

