Developer: Options for Homes
Architect: RAW Design
Address: 253 Markham Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Townhouse, Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental, Condo, Co-op), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 215 ft / 65.50 mStoreys: 21 storeys
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Toronto Markham and Dunelm | 65.5m | 21s | Options for Homes | RAW Design


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Apr 23, 2007
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by the Humber
Build Toronto has assembled a number of properties together on the east side of Markham Road just south of the Lakeshore East GO Rail corridor to create a residential redevelopment site.

We have a first story about it here, and the dataBase file is linked above.

New docs posted December 23. Now consists of two midrises (19 & 18 storeys) and 10 blocks of townhouses.


Sounds like the Design Review Panel is hinting at replacing the stacked townhouses with mid-rises, to make that block feel less cramped. I agree with that, especially if it results in more units. Bit of a shame that the slope makes it too difficult to put some retail on Markham Road.
Site Plan Approval is now filed for this one:


No docs associated to that yet.


However, I missed that @Art Tsai posted some new renders and that there were new docs for Zoning back in September.

I'll bring some stuff forward here, from that.

From the Cover Letter:



Parking is still 0.68 spaces per unit; though there is significant on-site carshare.

From the Planning Addendum:


Most recent Landscape Plan:

"The total number of residential dwelling units has been increased to 780 (728 condominium and 52 townhouse), 300 of which are slated to receive funding from the City’s Home Ownership Assistance Program (HOAP) to improve affordability of those units. Per the documents, 44% of the total units will be two bedroom or larger. The townhouse block in Phase 1 is to be built in partnership with Habitat for Humanity and be reserved for their client families."

Maybe the first project that O4H and H4H have partnered on..? Glad that this City land is being put to good use... finally.

