Developer: Great Gulf
Address: 25 Richmond St East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2018
Height: 513 ft / 156.35 mStoreys: 46 storeys
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Yonge & Rich Condos (Great Gulf) - Real Estate -


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Apr 23, 2007
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by the Humber
Thread for those interested in purchasing at Yonge + Rich by Great Gulf in Downtown Toronto.
I don't think sales have commenced. They are currently working on the sales centre I believe.

Not necessarily fact i find for most projects (esp the well known/pricey DT ones) that VIP sales and such are done well before the sales centre opens

Yeah probably sales have started to the f&f, & via the brokers. Just to get a feel for how things will go.

agreed. Any idea what psf the bldg is selling for?
Finally have our PDI in two days....was over to visit the building last weekend....was impressed, looks really nice.
I love the glassed balconies!!
Any suggestions from those who have done their inspection ?? First time for us... not sure what to look for.
Cheers... diane
Anyone interested? I got the floorplans, the pricing info etc. Want me to post? I am not a realtor and have not signed a contract with a realtor.

I've got the floorplans. They all look pretty similar--they've got toilets, bathtubs, kitchen sinks, w/d, balconies and tiny closet space. Some even have those cool concrete columns. So they're really pretty typical for a square floorplate designed condo tower. Most feature 7' 3" deep balconies. Mainly linear kitchens. Overall, pretty usuable space ie no kooky useless corners.

They're all named after downtown streets: Adelaide, Richmond, Chestnut, Bond, Queen, Dundas, Esplanade, Wellington, King, Trinity, Duncan, Mackenzie, Toronto, York, Union, Yonge, Edward, Dalhousie.

You don't have to register with me to view the floorplans nor am I selling you anything...except aArchitecture :)
