Developer: Streetcar Developments, Dream Unlimited
Architect: TACT Architecture, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 11 Peel Avenue, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: 231 ft / 70.41 mStoreys: 20 storeys
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Carnaby Row and The Carnaby (Streetcar Developments) - Real Estate -

I wouldn't mind grabbing a high floor east facing unit. The Plaid 2br looks nice. What are the chances that my view will be blocked in the future?
Ok first time poster and am looking for some feedback on this development. I am a first time buyer and unlike most, I intend to have this as my place of residence. I am wondering if anyone has had any feedback on this developer? I have read whispers of some quality issues with their other developments but are they premature? I like the area, but do you think it is a promising area for appreciation of the property down the road? I am seriously considering a unit here and am a few days from walking in to sign a predevelopment agreement. Please, any ANY insight would be much appreciated. This is a serious commitment I am making that I want as much information about. Please send me a PM if needed, it would be grateful Thanks!
Ok first time poster and am looking for some feedback on this development. I am a first time buyer and unlike most, I intend to have this as my place of residence. I am wondering if anyone has had any feedback on this developer? I have read whispers of some quality issues with their other developments but are they premature? I like the area, but do you think it is a promising area for appreciation of the property down the road? I am seriously considering a unit here and am a few days from walking in to sign a predevelopment agreement. Please, any ANY insight would be much appreciated. This is a serious commitment I am making that I want as much information about. Please send me a PM if needed, it would be grateful Thanks!

i think we would need more info like pricing, unit size, floorplan, exposure, etc.
i've also heard about quality issues from Streetcar and i've seen some already occupied units - i wasn't impressed but you should check them out yourself.

are you working with a realtor? if so, have them show you some completed Streetcar units for lease/sale before you decide.
My all in price for a 582 sqf 1 bed 15th floor north facing with parking and locker will be approx $326,000. Parking and Locker in itself is $32,000. I have been told that the standards in the prior developments is no comparison to how this building will be since te previous were smaller projects. Regardless, I have high hopes but by no means am an expert in all of this. What do you think?
My all in price for a 582 sqf 1 bed 15th floor north facing with parking and locker will be approx $326,000. Parking and Locker in itself is $32,000. I have been told that the standards in the prior developments is no comparison to how this building will be since te previous were smaller projects. Regardless, I have high hopes but by no means am an expert in all of this. What do you think?

without parking and locker, the cost is $505 psf;
with parking and locker, the cost is $560 psf; plus you'll have to add TLTT and prov LTT so closer to $580 psf.

i don't know this project so well so don't know what will be facing north of you, like if another tall building will be build, etc.

do you have the floorplan so we can see how well it's laid out, etc?

the standard type of finishes is one thing to consider, but i was referring to the quality of the workmanship of their other projects. one can have higher finishes but be still executed poorly, which is why i recommend that you see some completed units of theirs.
My all in price for a 582 sqf 1 bed 15th floor north facing with parking and locker will be approx $326,000. Parking and Locker in itself is $32,000. I have been told that the standards in the prior developments is no comparison to how this building will be since te previous were smaller projects. Regardless, I have high hopes but by no means am an expert in all of this. What do you think?

Did you end up going ahead with the purchase? I bought a unit in the building. I saw a few units in 2 gladstone and the finishes and quality looked good to me. The Carnaby's standard finishes seem to be in the mid-range compared to some other condo projects.
Has StreetCar been historically on time completing their projects or delayed like every other developer? I am a new owner in the Carnaby and looking forward to my first!
Not much activity on this board. Just wondering if anyone else got confirmation, that the tentative occupancy date has been moved out from Feb to May 2015. I'm on the 12th floor btw.
Firm occupancy date 12th floor

Mine has been delayed until June 2015, 15th floor

Just received my firm occupancy date. Got pushed out from Feb 2015 as a tentative date, to May 6th for the final tentative occupancy date, to August 19th for the firm occupancy date. Guess that's not so bad, but I was really hoping to enjoy the spring/summer of 2015 in my new home :S oh well, tis life.
Just received my firm occupancy date. Got pushed out from Feb 2015 as a tentative date, to May 6th for the final tentative occupancy date, to August 19th for the firm occupancy date. Guess that's not so bad, but I was really hoping to enjoy the spring/summer of 2015 in my new home :S oh well, tis life.

Mine's firm for August 31st. Keep me posted on you experiences as I'm not far behind you! :)
