Developer: Cadillac Fairview
Architect: AS + GG Architecture
Address: 160 Front St W, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 787 ft / 239.87 mStoreys: 46 storeys
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Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG


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Apr 24, 2007
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Today I saw the parking lot at Simcoe/Front was fenced off with workers drilling holes and surveyors marking lines across the asphalt with all their equipment.

Anything happening here?
What a great place for a supertall, if you demolished the two low rise buildings to the east of it as well.
If they build something tall here, we'll have a new cluster of skyscrapers: Simcoe Place, RBC, Ritz, this building and the one that's in the planning stages for across the street.
I don't understand why this city has a fascination with erecting super tall buildings in front of the waterfront that effectively builds a wall around the area considering the city is trying to make the QQ more pedestrian friendly and attract people.
What a great place for a supertall, if you demolished the two low rise buildings to the east of it as well.

That's a horrible idea... those buildings along Front St are some of the nicest on the street. Not everything has to be excessively tall, especially on a premiere street like Front.

The parking lot should be filled with a modest sized office or hotel tower, maybe the size of Telus tower.
I noticed the fencing on the weekend also. I thought maybe they were just repaving the parking lot figuring it will be several years before anything is feasible. I always thought this was the location of the rumoured Manulife building. It's probably one of the few locations that would be ideal for a true supertall, unless the City pulls out the shadowing card again.

What a great place for a supertall, if you demolished the two low rise buildings to the east of it as well.

Like CSW said, terrible idea. Those buildings still have quite a bit of charm, and if you were ever near there you'll see that all the bars and restaurants are nearly always busy, and just packed on game days.

I don't understand why this city has a fascination with erecting super tall buildings in front of the waterfront that effectively builds a wall around the area considering the city is trying to make the QQ more pedestrian friendly and attract people.

This is on the north side of Front Street, quite a ways away from the waterfront.
Tear down the buildings to the east of the lot?! HELLZ NO. Absolutely not.

5 points off for khristopher.
^too romanesque for my tastes

I'm sick of this Manulife shit.

It's owned by Cadillac Fairview and represents the site of the third office tower in the Simcoe Place masterplan. Trust me, this tower won't be built anytime soon.

The Ritz Carlton, however, still has suites to sell.
That's a horrible idea... those buildings along Front St are some of the nicest on the street. Not everything has to be excessively tall, especially on a premiere street like Front.

The parking lot should be filled with a modest sized office or hotel tower, maybe the size of Telus tower.

Wait, does one of those buildings have a Jack Astors in it?
Tear down the buildings to the east of the lot?! HELLZ NO. Absolutely not.

5 points off for khristopher.

Come on stop beating up on Kris, this location and the demolition of those derelict buildings have been mentioned many times in past threads`as a possible future supertall location``````````````````And again the same doom and gloomers have to remind us all constantly that nothing will be happening with this and other lots for quite a while..... Yes we all do live in the same world and very aware of the economy, but any new development proposals in the early stages wont be ready for occupancy for 5-7 years anyways.
Come on stop beating up on Kris, this location and the demolition of those derelict buildings have been mentioned many times in past threads`as a possible future supertall location

You must be talking of a different location. The building to the east with the Joe Badali's restaurant is hardly derelict.
None of them are exactly "derelict"--if you seek to wipe them out, might as well seek to wipe out everything on the "Mirvish" side of King save Royal Alex and PofW...
I don't understand why this city has a fascination with erecting super tall buildings in front of the waterfront that effectively builds a wall around the area considering the city is trying to make the QQ more pedestrian friendly and attract people.

How does errecting a supertall deter the area from being "pedestrian friendly" and "attracting people"? I just don't see the logic in that statement. :confused:
