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News   Jul 22, 2024
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10th anniversary of the bomging of Serbia

We can talk about it when you put up a clip showing what prompted the NATO intervention. I seem to recall something about slaughtering Kosovars that brought NATO to Serbia's doorstep.

Western funded terrorists, known as the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) were committing acts of terrorism on the serbian civilians and police. As a result the serbs sent the army down there to take care of them.
Similar things, only on a far bigger scale, were going on in US allied countries, such as Turkey and Colombia. Many more people were being pushed out of their homes and many more were killed.

However, we might want to ask what about the innocent ones in Kosovo? Well, the serbs did not just attack anyone out of the blue. They only fought in places where the KLA was active - and that was by no means most of kosovo. In fact the KLA did not have support in most of Kosovo. Between 1 and 2 hundred thousand people were pushed out - people who supported KLA activity. Still, that is far less than what we see happening in Turkey and Colombia at the same time.

Serbia had a state-led economy that was against EU integration and the free market. This is why serbia was bombed. Why did the US fund the turkish assault on the kurds - because the kurdish movement, the PKK, was a communist movement. Same for colombia. It's a matter about smashing any examples that show difference to the global order that uncle same is trying to impose.

Fox news talks about this...

And here is an albanian clip glorrifying the KLA...
You can see what armed terrorists the serbs were up against. It was worse than the FLQ in quebec.

And here is the KLA taking arms from albania into serbia..

So why is this branded as a one side is good and one side is bad conflict? I'll tell you what, and General Mackenzie said this too if I am not mistaken, "We bombed the wrong side".

Our very own Michael Ignatieff has some opinions about the mission. Go read "virtual war". Interesting book.

War is crime. I can't defend it.

Our very own? You mean America's, not Canada's.

You might want to read some stuff by Chomsky, Edward Said, Scott Taylor, Michael Parenti, Michael Chossudovsky, Michael Collon, Edward Herman, or a number of many other people.

When 2,000 people have been killed on both sides, and the media in the US says it's 100,000, then wtf is going on? There have been clear lies to manipulate the public to get support into bombing the shit out of serbia - attacks that focused primarily on civilian targets, not military ones.

Ignatieff supports war. He's a jerk.

A common thing that is ignored is the aftermath of the kosovo war - the same thing in macedonia. Oh but shit, the media missed out on that one. I really wonder why his book sells for less than a dollar used - perhaps there is not much demand to buy his pro-war junk. NATO created a humanitarian catastrophe with the bombing, and Ignatieff's whole argument in the book is that there should have been more bombing? Like wtf is he smoking? It is well known that ethnic cleansing really got started, after the bombing began as a response to the bombing. The overwhelming majority of the cleansing happened after the bombing. And I can not blame the serbs for those actions, considering that their hospitals, schools, monuments and countless other civilian targets were being hit. NATO hit a train with civilians in it, and we have footage of them aiming at it. Even worse- they bombed the hell out of Kosovo itself, and dropped depleted uranium - most of which was in kosovo, and so now there are increased cancer and leukemia rates all over serbia, but especially so in kosovo.
Well said LAz!! I have been trying to explain this to many people in the past, but everyone seems to just cling on to the shit that the madia calls "Exclusive information".
The 10th anniversary of an illegal intervention within a sovereign country's borders, that completely spat on International Law and the Helsinki Accords. That whole humanitarian intervention excuse was nothing but a lie that has been disproven by UN forensic teams stationed in Kosovo.

I have a few personal stories from the bombing, I wasn't there thankfully, but some of my immediate family was. My grandma told me how she was out on her balcony overlooking one of the main arteries in the city (Prince Milos Blvd) where the majority of the government's governing bodies are located. When NATO was targeting the Generalstab (Ministry of Defense) the Tomahawk missiles came right down the street at the level of her balcony, luckily she had time to scurry inside as her windows blew out. Similarly, my great aunt nearly died of a heart attack when the National Television HQs (near our flat) were targeted and blew out all the windows. I bet the majority of you here do not understand what its like to be in a densely built European city as missiles are raining down striking INDISCRIMINATELY; may I add, no matter what NATO said (there are ruined hospitals to prove this).

Historically priceless monuments of Serbian culture and architecture were also targeted, namely the offices of the government of Serbia, a symbol containing ironically a tall statue of Mother Serbia. Cathedrals in Belgrade were damaged, namely St. Mark's, one of the most important symbols of the Serbian Orthodox Church. My ass targeted bombing; when NATO realized they couldn't inflict significant damage on the military infrastructure of Serbia they targeted civilian infrastructure and in the process killed over 2,000 civilians. Nobody expects this at the close of the 20th century, Europe should never again see war, let alone Belgrade which was destroyed 49 times in its history.

The city however will always shine in its full glory, being the beating heart of the Balkan Peninsula.

Lepo da nije Laza jedini iz bivse juge. Meh.

My ass targeted bombing; when NATO realized they couldn't inflict significant damage on the military infrastructure of Serbia they targeted civilian infrastructure and in the process killed over 2,000 civilians.

It's not just that. They hurt like 12,000.

Well said LAz!! I have been trying to explain this to many people in the past, but everyone seems to just cling on to the shit that the madia calls "Exclusive information".

People are just being brainwashed all the time - and this happens in all countries no matter where one is. The regime in power in all countries has media in order to get our consent, to what chomsky has said, manufacture consent. Actually this idea of manufacturing consent is something that the italian Gramsci came up with...

Gramsci was a commie who was arrests by musolini's fascists. He died in jail, but while in jail he was able to write, and via some prison guards he sent out his writings. He focused on why the people did not rise up when they could have, and he came up with that the people were brainwashed by the upper class, to believe that the interests of the upper class are also the interests of them.

This is what chomsky built on, though I condemn him for not mentioning gramsci, and instead wanting to pass this on as exclusively his idea in his book and movie "manufacturing consent". What comsky does is takes this to another level, to explain intervention.

But what is sad is how people get pissed off when they even hear this stuff and then say "wtf you got here, some conspiracy theory?!". Hell yeah, but what is better to tell 'em is that this is in fact a "coincidence theory", based on hardcore facts.

The fact remains, that the mainstream media has factually lied in order to manufacture consent. This is what the government wanted. We need to ask whose interests is this for, other than the government. Well, who pays the bulk of the lobbying in government, and who owns the media itself? It's the private sector, to be precise, corporations. This is where the problem rests, in the capitalist greed and the fact that they could not stand that serbia was not developing in the free market neoliberal way.
But they're happy now, 'cause the US intervened in our elections, so since 2000 we have had traitors running serbia's government, who have come to power undemocratically. =P
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Interesting. But ultimately, who cares?

There's so many different ethnicities living in Canada/N.A. now it's hard to please everyone.

I imagine the Afghani and Iraqi and Palestinian-Canadian communities are pissed off these days.

I wonder how the recent German immigrants to Canada c.1900's felt when Canadians helped kill their brethern in the old world in ww1?
Actually, Afghan-Canadians are generally more supportive of Canada's efforts in Afghanistan than most native Canadians. They after all have seen their homeland devastated by two decades of war and happy to see someone show some concern at all. You'd be surprised at the amount of Afghan Canadians who volunteer their time to help train soldiers deploying to Afghanistan.
One wouldn't expect expat communities to be an objective source of opinions on the happenings of their former countries. In most cases, they left for a reason, and it wasn't because they were happy.

Imagine, for example, if the opinions of US-based Cubans were given weight in American foreign policy deliberations? I mean, then the US would have engaged in half a century of assassination attempts, coup planning, terrorist training and financing, illegal embargoes and various dirty wars (just for good practice) around the hemisphere. And that would be wrong.
One wouldn't expect expat communities to be an objective source of opinions on the happenings of their former countries. In most cases, they left for a reason, and it wasn't because they were happy.

Imagine, for example, if the opinions of US-based Cubans were given weight in American foreign policy deliberations? I mean, then the US would have engaged in half a century of assassination attempts, coup planning, terrorist training and financing, illegal embargoes and various dirty wars (just for good practice) around the hemisphere. And that would be wrong.

I never lived in Serbia.. My immediate family lived in Switzerland since the late 70s.
I would say that afghanistan is worse place to live now than it was before the US went in. I mean, there is more death, the drug production went from zero to being no.1 in the world for opium or something, and they recently legalized rape!
