Jump1 seemed to explain this on March 31st : "The pace will slow a tad until the 3rd row of tie-backs are all stressed and test holes are drilled at the north end to determine precise depth of bedrock. The grade will then be reduced 3 meters to the 4th and final row of tie-backs. Caissons to...
Uh oh..Looks like the first horizontal band, keeps getting lower and lower with each window. The first two are fine, the other's not so much. They don't even match up with each other!
Good point, Gphorce. I noticed the same thing. I am also wondering where the other angled part is, where there is supposed to be a green wall, as shown in the revised renderings.
They should just rotate the building until one of the corners match up with the podium, giving it the illusion of a flatiron and they wouldn't even have to change the simplicity of the square floorplans!
Hmmm, well I'm wondering why the sloping mechanical lantern has turned into a gigantic box like 'X'. Maybe they just haven't incorporated it into the video.
That assumption seems to be about correct. The roof height of Trump at 256m and Bay-Adelaide at 218m leaves a difference of 38m. Assuming an average floor height of 3.5 to 4m that leaves the equivalent of about 9-10 floors, but I'm assuming all of those floors won't be occupied and also takes...
In the last picture there, I think the height of Trump is accurately portrayed. Compared to seeing the diagrams on skyscraper page and this picture, the top of the dome is about the same height in the middle of the 'V' on Scotia. The spire is just slightly taller than Scotia and slightly...
Looking at the last two pictures, it seems that the latest formed balcony doesn't stick out as far as the rest. Perhaps a signal that the residential floors have begun.
Has anyone heard the Chaz jingle on the radio yet? I just heard it, and it's quite lame and cheesy. As the chorus goes.."Won't you daaaance with meeeee, in your world....your fantasy, Won't you daaance..etc etc".
I agree, the skyline looks quite massive from Pearson. It looks like any major city in North America. Tourists who don't have a 'good sense of direction or unfamiliar' with the area could probably mistaken it for Toronto.
In that last photo by Steveve, when Trump rises with that vibrant green, its going to really stand out amongst BAC and Scotia in an awesome way! Just wait until the setting sun strikes it :)
Some interesting news: Source From http://www.yyznews.com/Mar.html
Load Factor ---Porter's CEO Robert Deluce says the 3-year-old company is able to break even when its planes are half empty, giving it a competitive edge over rival carriers. Mr. Deluce disclosed that the privately owned...
Excellent Update! Hopefully the cladding on the East face will now give way to some glass all the way across, or at least some more windows. The higher it's getting, the more unsightly it's becoming.
I have been wondering for a long time, why is the smaller East Tower not being constructed at this time? Are they waiting until the main tower is complete?
I thought I would post this picture from last March. It's from 35, 000 ft on my way to New York from Seoul, and we just happened to pass over T.O! One is of NYCC and the other is of Woodbine racetrack.