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  1. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I saw the interview, but got the impression from her tweet that there may be something else to it. Guess she was just referring to his slow talking. He did indeed look medicated though. When not on downers his speech tends to rise in pitch at the end of each sentence, especially when asked...
  2. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anyone watch this? Ford did seem highly sedated during these interviews. And he did look really angry when she asked him this question. Can't find the 5/5:30 video she refers to online.
  3. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I couldn't agree more. My original point was that Soknacki is not a "Fiscal Conservative (TM)", nor should he become one, but he IS a progressive centrist with a sense of fiscal responsibility. Really, voters are all "fiscally conservative" in that nobody wants the government to waste money.
  4. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My point is that Soknacki is more than progressive enough for most of us left-leaning voters, however, if he can also highlight his sensible view of fiscal choices he may pull in more voters and stand a greater chance of victory. I am NOT arguing that he should move right, just that he should...
  5. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    These are the people starting Rob Ford support pages on facebook. Wonder what the odds are that guys like this clown will vote, and if they do how many times? :rolleyes:
  6. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So heading down the rabbit hole I stumbled upon the "welcoming mayor ford back to city hall" facebook page! Worth it to take a read. My personal highlight: "Michael Weinberg: Gerry I don't know a lot of politicians so I never heard of that...
  7. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Done and done. Consider it on.
  8. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sorry about that. Trying to stay focused but curious what a Ford-free playing field will look like. Plus the Escalade stuff is getting boring and the autistic thing makes me want to barf.
  9. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Let's face it, the Ford's campaign for Mayor is two small steps from dissolution, arrest or not. Rob is not coming back from this. His campaign manager is bashing autistic kids and can't reach the candidate? Daniel Dale's comments about the complete stalling of the Ford campaign are totally on...
  10. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Difficult but it does indeed happen. Ultimately Tory, even with backing, is at serious risk of dropping off in the polls. If Rob drops out, even if Doug steps in, that pretty much leaves Chow uncontested. At that moment the press and the electorate will take a look at the other candidates. This...
  11. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I would love to see a debate with Doug sitting in for the absent Rob. I am pretty sure the pressure and the heat of the studio lights would melt the latex mask and reveal his true lizard face. It is too bad the media seems to be completely ignoring Soknacki (Goldkind too, but I am a lot less...
  12. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thanks for the link. It really is up to Chow now I think. Prior to the election announcements I was curious to see what Tory's platform would look like. Turns out he was a lame duck from the start.
  13. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Other than a few awkward mannerisms, I thought Soknacki killed the first debate! My personal choices aside, I think we have a chance to really force the candidates to polish their platforms and ideas over the next few months. Just hoping that Ford gets arrested soon so we can all refocus on...
  14. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There is another choice. Take advantage of the next five months to help put a fire under a better candidate. That grassroots movement that put Nenshi in office built slowly over the campaign, and he listened closely to his volunteers for ideas to get people engaged. I am doing the opposite of...
  15. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He is a bully used to having the last word, and dismissing critics. The universal disgust at his remarks has put him in cornered mode. What do you expect him to do, back down? His pride and self-entitlement would never allow it. He will dig his heels into this one until we give up or throw him out.
  16. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nenshi polled at 8% two weeks before election day in Calgary. We all know how that turned out. Soknacki has some great platforms, interesting ideas (the LRT walk) and the appearance of some real vision. It is way too early to say anything for certain but I think it would be a mistake to...
  17. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I have my eye on David Soknacki. He has the potential to Nenshi this election.
  18. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yup. No names there when I checked either.
  19. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I hear you on that. I differ with the "cleverly orchestrated" part of the post though. I really believe that corruption has become so entrenched in the system that even rank amateurs are now taking a crack at it, with bizarre, disgusting and unexpected results. It is a distraction from the...
  20. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    +1 on what I meant. However, this isn't an article it is a print of an OPP press release, so the newspaper isn't responsible for writing the text. I am just speculating wildly. As for the connection to Ms. McRobb, perhaps Robby has plenty to eat at rehab too! :rolleyes:
