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  1. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Totally agree, but then RoFo wouldn't have a Council seat to maintain his political profile. I think Doug is the sacrificial Ford Nation lamb. Give the dummies DoFo to vote for as mayor, lest the flock wander off to support Tory.
  2. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good morning All, Just weighing in with my own theory on DoFo's motivations for joining the mayoral race: The Fords must have seen the writing on the wall for RoFo's loss in 2014. Even for the Fords, their brand is just too tarnished. In looking ahead to a mayoral comeback in 2018, they...
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, I guess if you discount this: McCallion caught the fish at an annual salmon derby on Lake Ontario just off Port Credit. McCallion had her catch packed in ice and drove it to Toronto city hall, so Ford could have the fish for supper...
  4. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just my two cents on Ford’s re-election prospects: Barring any arrests, I think Ford can bank on getting 35% of the vote. This assumes (plausibly, I think) that he has gained few to zero new supporters since the 2010 election; and also that 25% of his 2010 supporters have seen the light and are...
  5. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anyone else wondering about the Ford's plans for their beloved Ward 2, with Doug Ford apparently not running for re-election? Despite Rob Ford's bluster to the contrary, I find it hard to imagine he'll see the mayoral campaign to the very end if his defeat looks inevitable. Would he try to...
  6. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    When Doug Ford proclaimed Rob Ford as the "White Obama", he neglected to mention that Doug is himself the "White Clay Davis". This is just Doug's "walking around money". Shh**********t, Doug. You sure know how to exploit poor people.
  7. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Rob, is that you? Nailed it.
  8. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Serious question: opponents of the LTT (Ford especially) use the common refrain that this tax hurts senior citizens. But since you pay this tax when you BUY a home (I know, I’ve paid it three times), not when you SELL your home, and since very few seniors are active in the housing market, any...
  9. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Advance transcript of Ford's 3:30 remarks: "For anyone offended by their misinterpretation of my remarks, I regret you misinterpreted me. But when you go after my family, I am a family man, folks. I see red when you threaten my family. As a father, I'm telling you I just want my kids left...
  10. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I hope you're right that there's more to come, but I'm skeptical. My theory is that police collected this info on Ford hoping it would lead them somewhere it ultimately didn't. Nonetheless, they wanted the public to better understand who the Mayor really is, i.e. a reckless individual...
  11. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    With much of the ITO now public, I’m left with a seriously puzzling question: Why is Rob Ford’s name in this ITO document at all?? Don’t get me wrong. I’m thoroughly relieved Ford has been exposed for who and what he really is. I think the man is utterly vile, and uniquely deserving of a...
  12. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Based on Michael Cooke's recent "ratcheting up" comments, and corroboration to that effect from someone I know very close to this whole mess, I'm not expecting Friday's revelations to stay in the press for very long, nor elicit much interest outside of our local media. My understanding is this...
  13. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Would this do it? From a June 2011 Facebook post from Krista Ford: Hey ya'll! Make sure you tune into the FAN590 a little earlier this morning! We have my friends at Team Body Pro - Ronnie Coleman & Valerio Mosca on at 9:45am followed by your LFL ladies Ashley Vanessa Docking, Annie Silvestri...
  14. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Would this do it? From a June 2011 Facebook post from Krista Ford: Hey ya'll! Make sure you tune into the FAN590 a little earlier this morning! We have my friends at Team Body Pro - Ronnie Coleman & Valerio Mosca on at 9:45am followed by your LFL ladies Ashley Vanessa Docking, Annie Silvestri...
