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  1. zang

    Mayor Olivia Chow's Toronto

    Precisely, and mainly because the Province has always knocked down attempts to bring in funds in other ways.
  2. zang

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Rob and Doug both violated the city's code of conduct when they were councillors. I'm sure Doug would have a much different opinion were this about ten years ago and Kathleen Wynne were the one pulling the provincial levers. Not that I think Ms. Robinson doesn't deserve to be turfed, just that...
  3. zang

    Toronto The One | 308.6m | 85s | Tridel | Foster + Partners

    Were it only true. In a housing crisis, the wealthy also can't find housing, so they end up occupying middle class housing instead. It just forces wealth brackets to "rent/buy down" below their needs/wants.
  4. zang

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    He doesn’t. Doug Ford has a moral problem with people being poor.
  5. zang

    Toronto The One | 308.6m | 85s | Tridel | Foster + Partners

    Protective film on the inside of the glass? There's also a bit of illusion going on with 2 Bloor West precisely lined up with those floors.
  6. zang

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Unless someone is a severe danger to other people, why have them in a dedicated facility that already brings a big stigma with it? In addition, privacy is not implicit in a full-on medical facility. Aside from that, they're there generally for acute treatment. You get well, you'll get turfed...
  7. zang

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    We need more humane treatment of all people in these situations. Giving people a proper, private home is a good start. Whether that's an apartment or a tiny home, you're giving someone a place they can be alone, lock the door and feel safe. Yes, sometimes forced help is required, but it doesn't...
  8. zang

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    "Think of the children!" Do you have any kids? I do. I don't feel unsafe with homeless people in the park. Maybe you've just become too comfortable.
  9. zang

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    What, If you keep taking away their homes, they’ll stop being homeless?
  10. zang

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I see you've never had the pleasure of dealing with Wheel Trans. Having been a support person for a Wheel Trans customer, aside from having to book rides a minimum of four hours in advance, about 65% of the time, you'll get a cab and not a wheel trans van. This can cause immense problems...
  11. zang

    Toronto The One | 308.6m | 85s | Tridel | Foster + Partners

    I believe you've stated that opinion in this thread several times already. Enough that it just seems like (I'm gonna feign shock here), trolling.
  12. zang

    Toronto St Lawrence Market North | 25.3m | 5s | City of Toronto | Rogers Stirk Harbour

    Just thinking about these after seeing more recent pictures. Are these historical in nature? Like the positioning of a former structure on the site (pre Great Fire of 1849)?
  13. zang

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Naw… Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  14. zang

    Mayor Olivia Chow's Toronto

    It would be nice if the city were given expanded powers of self-governance, or even full separation from the province. It’s certainly never going to come from the premier’s office, as the city is too much of a cash cow for the coffers.
  15. zang

    Toronto Church of Scientology | ?m | 8s

    Is there anything the city can do at this point to force scientology's hand in either enacting long (LONG) planned repairs and renovations, or to take the property from the organization? It's been over a decade, and the building was already suffering structural problems. Without repair, it's...
  16. zang

    Toronto Manulife Centre Podium and Streetscape Renewal | 9.75m | 2s | Manulife Real Estate | MdeAS Architects

    I don’t feel it was ever an outstanding example of commercial brutalism, but its brutalist legacy was sullied long, long ago. Even before the new facade, they got rid of the POPS courtyard on Bay (now I believe where Indigo lives). From the pictures I’ve seen, it was quite remarkable, and...
  17. zang

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    They likely wouldn’t be there if there wasn’t a study showing a number of cyclists already using the route. Toronto has rarely been (or even able to afford to be) an “if you build it, they will come”-city. Almost everything the city does seems to be reactionary. Besides which, drivers seem to...
  18. zang

    Mayor Olivia Chow's Toronto

    It was a rainy day in pizzaville… they’re decent. Though my fav local chain is Pizzaiolo. They remind me of what Amato’s was on Saturday nights after a night at Reverb on Queen. That is until it was discovered old man Amato was stiffing his employees to line his own pockets. I still like Pizza...
  19. zang

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Cyclists usually ring a bike bell to let others know they’re passing by and make you aware they’re near so that you don’t make any abrupt movement that might end up with both of you getting hurt. Some don’t realize it’s not because you might be in the way. That said, my guess is that e-bike...
  20. zang

    Mayor Olivia Chow's Toronto

    Not in about 20 years. Are there that many still around? I thought it was decent when I was a teenager, before I developed any kind of a palate. But then 20 years ago pizza places were having major price wars, with Montreal seemingly at the epicentre. 99 cent (and even later, 49 cent) pizza was...
