News   Mar 12, 2025
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News   Mar 12, 2025
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News   Mar 12, 2025
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  1. S

    TTC: New Articulated Buses (In Delivery, Novabus)

    Just saw three of these articulated buses today by Sheppard Station around 5PM. They drove north on Yonge Street, west on Pontyz and then north on Beecroft. They parked for 5 minutes just south of the intersection of Beecroft and Sheppard before heading west on Sheppard. I was hoping they would...
  2. S

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Thanks rbt for clarifying my point. BurlOak, I do agree with you that there is waste in the government system as many services can be delivered more efficiently. The issue is how much waste is there and what can we realistically recover? If we even do save billions of dollars there is always...
  3. S

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Just so you know, the Gas Plant fiasco will be paid off with an extra charge on everyone's electricity bill. So the money was not there in the first place and if it never happened we would not have that 1.1B for transit.
  4. S

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I like the reroute. Extends the right-of-way to Jane Street and preserves possible employment zones. I wonder what buses will serve that 15-bay bus facility that is proposed and how much additional will the extra tunneling cost. Eglinton Avenue West seems to take a small detour around the LRT...
  5. S

    Is Andy Byford, the new TTC GM, the leader we've been waiting for?

    I believe this perception that Byford is better than Webster has a bit to do with the fact that he is more media friendly and customer communication focused than Webster was. Webster was a good manager, but he left the communication aspect of projects to staff. Webster started many good projects...
  6. S

    Downtown Rapid Transit Expansion Study

    I hope the plans for the massive rebuild and extension of Bloor-Yonge are cancelled and the funds moved to support the DRL. The DRL provides so many more benefits in addition to relieving Bloor-Yonge. The ATO scheme I agree with as all the subway lines will eventually be upgraded with it to...
  7. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Saw a TR this evening with 3 busted doors. Just wish people treated the subway cars better instead of holding the doors open and breaking them.
  8. S

    Metrolinx: Sheppard East LRT (In Design)

    Sigh, the devil is always in the details. If we didn't have issues with the budget and Rob Ford messing with Transit City, we could have Sheppard almost complete in a year or two according to the original plans.
  9. S

    Toronto Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

    Why couldn't they have just kept the supports so that in the future they could install it? It looks to me that adding platform doors will costs millions more to add roof supports.
  10. S

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    That's my point, operationally, interlining will be fraught with problems due to delays always happening on one line or the other. On a line with wide gaps and an interval of 5 minutes or more between trains it would probably be ok, as there is a larger window to recover lost time. But during...
  11. S

    Transit City Plan

    The people who are riding the current SRT would disagree with you. People don't like it and they don't like having to transfer from subway to SRT.
  12. S

    Transit City Plan

    Then you get the complaints from many Scarbarians that they are getting shafted and you are not building them a subway. At least if they built the Danforth extension it would cover the operation costs rather than draining the limited operating funds the TTC operates with.
  13. S

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    That is the issue, if a train misses it's window it will have to wait an extra 3 minutes for the next one. This causes the trains behind it to be delayed as well depending on how closely they run. This scheme of interlining I believe will cause longer wait times and more delays than there is...
  14. S

    Transit City Plan

    Your calculations show that if Scarborough residents want a subway to Scarborough Town Centre, the best option is to extend the Bloor line there instead of the Sheppard. If we had the proper funding, that should have been done.
  15. S

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    Plan seems like an interesting idea. The problem comes in the actual operation of this scheme. Interlining requires the trains to be on-time for it to work properly, otherwise delays will form if 2 trains try to merge onto the Spadina segment at the same time. One only needs to look back at why...
  16. S

    Eglinton Transit: Alignment between Don Mills and Kennedy.

    What routes are you worried about? The 54 can end at Don Mills and Eglinton, the 100 will probably do the same. The 56 Leaside bus will probably loop at Laird and Eglinton. A bus bay at Eglinton will still be needed, but it won't be as large as it is now. Many routes will probably still use it...
  17. S

    Transit City Plan

    Wonder if they would support ads that say, Vote for a 10% tax increase and Road Tolls. Save the Subways!
  18. S

    Eglinton Transit: Alignment between Don Mills and Kennedy.

    Don Mills has a plan to build a station with 5 bus bays. Leslie's bus is very infrequent that a simple loop near Leslie and Eglinton can serve it adequately.
  19. S

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Saw one of the new trains with a busted door today. They put a red curtain over the entrance so that people will know the door is out of service. Guess the doors on the new train didn't last that long.
