This is a great project and I support it but I'm curious if there is a rationale for only going 4 storeys here beyond a fear of heights. Is there something about the services required for supportive housing of this kind where it's preferential to only be a certain size or to limit the total...
"Clear cutting" is not what would happen. Nobody is going to send in bulldozers to the whole neighbourhood. It's about not legally restricting intensification near existing infrastructure, which would occur gradually/organically over time as the market would dictate. Most buildings would remain...
Something that jumped out to me from this article:
Has this idea been discussed in this thread? If not, any thoughts on where a potential suburban/midtown station might go in Toronto for HSR/HFR?
Soil and plants have been added to the planters on Roncesvalles. Benches have been installed as well-- the quality of the work is disappointing to say the least.
The ends are all cut unevenly and the screws are jutting up above the seating surface. The recycled plastic material kind of make...
To be honest I had this thought and I think there are actually ZERO parking conflicts. I did a scroll along King from Berkeley to Bathurst on google maps/streetview looking for this exact thing and only found 1 parking garage entrance at Toronto-Dominion centre.. and there is another entrance on...
The obvious answer is to just close King St to all cars from Bathurst to Berkeley. Pedestrians only with a separated streetcar ROW down the middle. There are plenty of alternative routes for cars nearby. Would be good for tourism and night life as well as transit reliability. It's a no-brainer...
Buddy read the article... He's not talking about cancelling the CNE. He's talking about using the space smarter so the other 50 weeks of the year the space is not going to waste.