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Search results

  1. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Humber Bay Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | DTAH

    Some updates on construction of the park from today A lot of heavy construction equipment is gone, but some remains: Armour stone work looks to be complete around the whole shoreline: Some stonework looks yet to be finished: A lot of the previously graded areas have been...
  2. Full Metal Junkie

    Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

    Sure, this guy won't last. But there will be plenty of other unqualified yokels for trump to chose from. One thing is for sure: trump is heavily plagiarizing the script of the 2006 classic "Idiocracy"
  3. Full Metal Junkie

    Former President Donald Trump's United States of America

    The resemblance: The matching outfit:
  4. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto 25 Audley Street | 85.95m | 25s | Rietz Properties | Michael Spaziani

    Some activity on the southern portion of the site in the past couple of weeks. They replaced the old tired-looking fencing with this fresh shiny-looking stuff. This is now clearly the prettiest construction site on the block.
  5. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Grand Central Mimico: The Buckingham | 122.85m | 37s | VANDYK | Kohn

    Some activity on this site in the past couple of weeks, but not the kind of activity that we like. Looks like they are trucking shale rock from a different construction site and dumping it here. Photos from today: There were 3 dump trucks lined up yesterday morning, waiting to dump (couldn't...
  6. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto 2150 Lake Shore | 215.75m | 67s | First Capital | Allies and Morrison

    Blink and you miss it. Nothing this morning, support tents up by the time I come back from work:
  7. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Station Square + Park Lawn Gardens | ?m | 66s | First Capital | Allies and Morrison

    Construction update on the sales showroom. Laying down the footings: The arborist report. The two mature trees that weren't cut down are now safely behind hoarding: More updates in my recent post on the main project thread:
  8. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto 2150 Lake Shore | 215.75m | 67s | First Capital | Allies and Morrison

    A construction(?) update for April 2024. If we can call it construction. There is definitely activity on the site, but no shoring rigs (aka "shovels in the ground") yet. And a lot of this activity is most likely related to Cirque du Soleil (coming to this site once again, from May 8 to July 21)...
  9. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Water's Edge at the Cove | 182.26m | 56s | Conservatory Group | Richmond Architects

    This is Conservatory. This crane ain't going anywhere anytime soon.
  10. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Humber Bay Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | DTAH

    Construction update April 2024. Some bird's eye views: For some reason they put a raised curved pathway through the winding snaking lowlands that I assumed was going to be the ice skating trail. And they dotted this new path with light post footings every 5 meters or so: I hear...
  11. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Humber Bay Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | DTAH

    I haven't seen what the current state on the park is, but you can already see them paving the beach with armor stone in my post from Nov 2023:
  12. Full Metal Junkie

    Vladimir Putin's Russian Federation

    Torontonians protest against the spread of Vladimir Putin's Russia into Canada:
  13. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto 2150 Lake Shore | 215.75m | 67s | First Capital | Allies and Morrison

    The tale of an excavator, a roller and a gatehouse.
  14. Full Metal Junkie

    Toronto Park Lawn GO Station | 12.83m | 2s | First Capital | Hatch

    How is soaking up a couple hundred cars from Gardiner going to solve the rush hour congestion? Or are you suggesting building a 50-storey megaparking supergarage? Unless you offload thousands of cars from Gardiner, you're not going to notice any change in congestion.
