And when John Street is done we only have ~10,000 more streets covering 5,397 km with 7,100 km of sidewalk left to do. With the speedy pace of change we've seen (29 years/street) it should only take 290,000 years to get it all done...
Build what your renderings promise. It's dishonest and deceitful to produce images that aren't representative. It's been standard practice for so long a lot people deem it acceptable. It is not. Hiding behind a mountain of legal mumbo jumbo (few will understand) doesn't make it acceptable...
A food hall is really just a food court by another name. It's re-branding to sound more upscale but the concept is the same. We did the same thing with the word 'cinema' in the 1990s. The industry pushed the term 'movie theatre' because it sounded more cultured and sophisticated. A theatre...
In all fairness, one building isn't going to turn Yonge Street around. It's a 4 lane thoroughfare for cars with a narrow concrete sidewalk thrown in as an afterthought. People don't go to Yonge Street because it's nice. We'll likely need wait another 30+ years before it gets re-worked into...
Like the Four Seasons Centre, the exterior is unspectacular but the interior is top shelf. That's far better than the other way around, but Toronto should stop thinking of itself as a giant Oshawa and start building things that are more in line with its position as a big global city.
Our ability to build grim depressing streets is truly shocking.
75% is asphalt, the other 25% concrete. Utilitarian metal lamp posts, overhead wiring, no landscaping to speak of, and every building is cheap and primitive. There's not one square inch on that shot that's attractive. The Selby...
I'm assuming you're using 'New Yorky' to mean 1930's architecture.
210 Dundas is 'Collegiate Gothic-style' while 481 University is 'International Style'. During that era, they were prevalent architectural styles right across North America...
Yes, Mississauga has a long way to go before it transforms into a proper city with real city streets. This car thoroughfare has the potential to become its first urban stretch but it will likely take 20+ years to materialize.
The top shelf architecture that's starting to get built (Forma, The One) is imperative if appreciation for good design is to materialize. You can't covet good design if you've never been exposed to it. For many Torontonians, all they've ever known is banal utilitarian everything.
We have to...
Not having decent transit is a product of an auto-centric culture that builds unsustainable crap like this proposal above. And it's not like St. Catharines-Niagara Falls is some small town. It's the 13th largest metropolitan area in the country. Instead of learning from the auto-centric...
We used to have a largely merit based society but it's more about who you know these days. Countless organizations are chocked full of incompetent people, style over substance, and high earners who can't put a proposal together without the help of Grammarly. What's surprising is that we don't...
Yes, we need to invest in more idiot proofing. Bollards everywhere; especially along all bike paths. Every day I encounter a slew of motorists parked in them. It would help if law enforcement were instructed to have said vehicles removed every time they see it .... but I guess they're too...