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  1. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Re the cheating, if the information in the ITO is accurate he displayed a total lack of discretion and an enormous sense of entitlement about it, as he does in everything else. He brought his sex life and his sexual proclivities to work, in a major way. Like OK, some people have open...
  2. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Different people have different notions of what "sex work" or the "sex industry" entails. Does anything actually turn on this question? At present, we know AK probably takes her clothes off for money, and that's all we know.
  3. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes. This. He assaulted her in the middle of trying to assault someone else.
  4. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't care that he didn't mean to knock her over. He charged full speed through a crowded room. It was totally foreseeable that he might hurt someone and he didn't care.
  5. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No. He engaged in grotesquely reckless behaviour with predictable results. I suppose if he kills someone while driving drunk that will also be an "honest mistake." Ford Nation has no morals.
  6. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I had an exchange on the Sun website from some guy who was mad that the mayor of his town had introduced user fees for community sports programs and wanted to congratulate Ford for being anti-user-fee. I mean these people really have no idea what Ford's policies are. Although I've got to...
  7. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I doubt it's that. IME people with Asperger's can be socially awkward and very focused on the things they find interesting, to the exclusion of other things, but they aren't aggressive or mean or stupid. My vote's for narcissistic/antisocial personality disorder, alcoholism, plus some kind of...
  8. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Only when he's reading a prepared statement, really. I've always assumed he had trouble reading. He reads like a child, pausing every couple of words, or at the end of each line rather than the end of each sentence. His level of delusion was on display in that Fox interview, wasn't it...
  9. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She may not have the means to hire a lawyer or the connections to get one who will work pro bono. It is a little odd that she hasn't come forward herself. I'm sure various media outlets are asking for a statement.
  10. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    His describing her as a "friend" doesn't mean they "hang out" one-on-one or outside of work hours. Lots of people work with people old enough to be their parents. I really see no reason to believe their relationship isn't innocent. And he may not actually be in a position to know what she...
  11. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As is Alan Lenczner. It would be a mistake to assume that either of those lawyers supports Ford, or that they're purely mercenary. I doubt either of them is hurting for work. Although in practice there's wiggle room on this, lawyers and law students are regularly informed that we have an...
  12. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But Pakistan isn't the land of the Paks. The origin of the name is totally different:
  13. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Even if he doesn't think and talk about her that way all the time, he did at that moment. "I'm not an asshole all the time" is not actually a good excuse for being an asshole.
  14. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I disagree. Olivia Gondek and Renata Ford just got to watch Rob Ford talk about their genitals on international TV. Olivia Gondek has made it very clear she doesn't want any part of this. She didn't accuse Ford of anything -- other people did. Ford not only said that SHE had accused him...
  15. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not to mention likes to grab ass and/or proposition random women for oral sex. Gross. But maybe the women of Ford Nation like that kind of thing.
  16. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Doug uses a lot of really violent language and talks about beating Rob, beating him down, etc. Not saying he means it literally, but I certainly notice it. From the Toronto Life profile: Does this suggest anything? What were the Ford kids supposed to be working on? (Not schoolwork, I...
  17. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'd be afraid of being rear-ended by Ford Nationals. They don't seem like the most law-respecting people in the world.
  18. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Delurking to give many many many pluses to this: Re Diane Ford being an old money WASP, no way in hell. I know that subculture pretty well, my mum's family comes from it (not so much money any more) and Diane and her kids hit SO MANY WASP taboos. Yelling and screaming insults in public...
