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  1. L

    TTC: Lower Bay Station (closed to public)

    This is true, but the Spadina subway was supposed to connect to Christie Stn. on the Bloor subway. Later on, it was supposed to be extended south to meet the Queen subway. In 1995, there was a plan to route several trains through it during the busiest 1/2 hour segments of the AM and PM rush...
  2. L

    TTC: Lower Bay Station (closed to public)

    Tell that to New York and all the other major subway systems that interline. I was 14 in 1966 so I remember the wye system, and it worked fairly well. If you go ask Steve Munro (he rode it too), he'll tell you the same thing.
  3. L

    TTC: Lower Bay Station (closed to public)

    adma ... you'll probably be dead by then too.
  4. L

    Rob Ford wants subways, not streetcars

    So then why is the LRT going on Finch W. and not E?
  5. L

    Rob Ford wants subways, not streetcars

    What makes you think an LRT car won't be just as crowded? All that crowding is calculated. The TTC always runs the minimum amount of service to keep the cars fully packed. Do you really think the TTC is going to run half-empty LRT cars every 5 minutes on Finch, all day long?
  6. L

    Rob Ford wants subways, not streetcars

    Not enough demand for a subway on Finch. Light rail would improve transit on Finch, but it wouldn't be worth the investment. We'd be better off buying articulated buses.
  7. L

    Rob Ford wants subways, not streetcars

    Ah, we've been hearing about the death of the suburbs for ages now. Well, when's it gonna happen?
  8. L

    Rob Ford wants subways, not streetcars

    Better bus service yes, but spending billions on light rail or subways in the suburbs is a bad investment. Even a subway can't match the speed of the 401. That's why the only people you see on these boards (myself included) are transit geeks. The only transit solution that's worth building is...
  9. L

    Rob Ford wants subways, not streetcars

    These LRT/subway arguments are very amusing. Various studies have repeatedly shown that investing in public transportation in the suburbs doesn't pay off, and it doesn't matter if it's subway or light rail. The personal vehicle is and always will be the most cost-effective way to move people...
  10. L

    TTC: Lower Bay Station (closed to public)

    Because it was the wrong decision.
  11. L

    TTC: Lower Bay Station (closed to public)

    The wye didn't reduce capacity in its original configuration. You're forgetting that we have three services merging instead of the original two (YUB and YUD). The only difference was that E-W service between Bay and St. George was half of what it is now.
  12. L

    TTC: Lower Bay Station (closed to public)

    It's funny how the TTC can use the wye when it conveniences them. I remember that it worked fairly well in the morning rush period when the system would start fresh and all the trains were on schedule. But, as the day wore on, things would always get messed up as the headways changed for the...
  13. L

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    So he's a closet case for political reasons? Possible.
  14. L

    Transit City: Sheppard East Debate

    Ah, I just love these Transit Shitty debates. They never end. Wouldn't you rather have them build the Sheppard LRT and then "heee haaw" and "i told you so" the Steve Munros of the world? It's a lot more fun that way. Most of the travelling public really doesn't care one way or the other...
  15. L

    Transit City: Sheppard East Debate

    I think you guys are giving Steve Munro far more credit for Transit City and the Sheppard LRT than he deserves. If he was *that* influential, don't you think he'd be on one of the Transit City project teams by now? I like the guy and respect his opinion. I think he's very intelligent and...
  16. L

    Toronto St. Clair West Transit Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC

    How do you expect traffic to move with only one real traffic lane and no left turn lane? It's obvious you've never driven a car. The left turn lanes were an absolute necessity. They couldn't elminate street parking, and so there you have it. St. Clair needed to be 4 lanes in each direction...
  17. L

    Toronto St. Clair West Transit Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC

    The issue is that unlike Spadina, St. Clair isn't wide enough for a ROW. The traffic congestion and service frequency on that avenue do not warrant a ROW. The LRT advocates knew this, yet they kept their mouths shut. We could have just rebuilt the tracks in mixed traffic.
  18. L

    Toronto St. Clair West Transit Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC

    According to Steve Munro, the ROW is straight. That section of fabric in the space-time continuum is warped. When you're an LRT big-got, it's all relative you know.
  19. L

    Toronto St. Clair West Transit Improvements | ?m | ?s | TTC

    You'd be surprised. Just because you value 100+ year-old cockroach and termite infested housing, doesn't mean that everyone else does. It's a natural process of urban renewal. If they have the money and they want to tear it down and build something new in its place, so be it. It's quite...
