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  1. D

    G-20 Summit in Toronto

    A Man Who Cannot Disobey Is A Slave Ya, people have no right to speak and protest! Where the hell do they think they in some sort of a democracy with rights guaranteed under some constitution! When the police and politicians say jump, we should respond with 'How high, Sir?"...
  2. D

    Spate of Pedestrian Deaths in GTA

    In addition to W. K. Lis's comment, you should consider exploring your statement somewhat with a bit of research. Based on a course I took during my undergrad (and some very interesting readings relating to various urban elements), urban spaces throughout Europe - including streets, served MANY...
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    Spate of Pedestrian Deaths in GTA

    I'm a driver and have had more than one instance where I've sufferred the angry glare of a pedestrian or cyclist for one reason or another...and I accept that...for me drivers are almost always at fault unless it's shown that it's a case of deliberate 'death by car' on the part of the pedestrian...
  4. D

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Coltain...speaking for myself...I'm not arriving at any definitive conclusions...and I'm not surprised about rednecks in Brampton. What I expressed surprise about was in reference to when I first moved to Toronto many years ago and was admittedly very naive at least as far as ethnic groups are...
  5. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sweet idea... :) I walked by a couple Monday night in the the time I was thinking how great it was to see them in the garbage...I wished I had read your post earlier! ;)
  6. D

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Exactly, said what I tried to, but in much less words... :)
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    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Not silly at all You're reading into this a message that was not one is burning ethnic immigrants at the stake. They're simply offering a view based on their experiences. Whether you like it or not, everyone has a set of values and they are often categorized according to...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Glad to make your day!
  9. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Be sorry for yourself too...we may not share the same views, but we share the same air...
  10. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Are you being serious? Not sure if you're being serious or just sarcastic, but if you're serious, why don't you car lovers and pedestrain haters just go all the way and cut off your legs and have yourselves surgically implanted to your cars... ...just think of the joy...never having to...
  11. D

    Toronto The Address at High Park | ?m | 12s | Chestnut Hill | BDP Quadrangle

    Cool shot is amazing...any chance you can take it again, but just a bit up and to the right... :) ...too bad those ugly slabs are blocking part of the view...
  12. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    You're like a child... With each post, you're showing more and more your lack of understanding! Rather than debate intelligently (and actually 'respond' to the points I've made), you pontificate nonsense. You continue to make unsubstantiated assumptions such as, "...densification plan...
  13. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    I see post 123, but you also commented on post 124, which was my post wherein I said, "I can forgive the lack of foresight (somewhat) when considered within the time these developments were planned, but it's much harder to overlook those that - despite the overwhelming evidence that the suburban...
  14. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Wrong! My response is supposed to look like this...sorry fellow urbantorontoers. Who said I'm a self-identified resident of a suburb?! Maybe you should get your facts straight before you make unsubstantiated - and by the way 'wrong' - assertions. Furthermore, do you really feel the...
  15. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Woops...I screwed up my post starts at..."Who said I'm a self-identified resident..." ...and ends at..."THAT is what this is all about and why people like me argue against dispersed forms of development such as those found in typical suburbs"
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    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

  17. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Thanks, Towered...I've been in so many of these neighborhoods and think to myself how it could be so much better - even for the residents - if only they had a nearby 'main street' they could 'all' walk to with retail at grade as you suggest. And even better if this little main street (or...
  18. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Whenever I hear a suburbanite talk about 'cramped' neighborhoods and their 'need' for more living space, I can't help but think about the pre-war German policy, Lebensraum, (German for "habitat" or literally "living space) and how it was used to justify expansion...maybe a stretch I know, but...
  19. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    Exactly! Even just restricting new development along major roads (although not necessary in my opinion) like adding just 2 more floors onto the 2 story buildings lining streets like Danforth, Bloor, Yonge, Queen East & West, and on and on...even just doing this would increase the density by a...
  20. D

    Should cities start blocking urban sprawl?

    No, YOU need to read a geography textbook! No, YOU misunderstand, and YOU should read a geography textbook. I have read 'many' geography textbooks in my time. And I can tell that YOU have no idea what you are talking about. As for your comment about milk being cheaper to deliver in...
