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  1. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Future meaning down the road once upon a day way way way off, perhaps when we're retired or down a couple meters bellow ground. For the many same reasons as before. Just imagine how much faster a subway is on sheppard than a silly tram?!
  2. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Well, transit city was designed to now allow for future subway expansion. Hence why I call it satan's plan. In all honesty, one must hate the city to want it. And quite frankly, we need subway radicals. If there can be tram radicals then there can be subway ones too. You are not a subway...
  3. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    They are not? Oh they will be. Remember in what tone and how metro expansion shall occur, according to miller's bastards? "CANCELED" "NO but we won't be canceled" And to that the miller tram fanatics said the words in this same tone/voice
  4. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    I am just thrilled at how the transit city promoters are appalled. That is like the best thing in all of this, how they see themselves getting the bad end of the stick now. And the worst thing is that they know that their agenda does not deserve to get anything, so they're panicking even more...
  5. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Oh, so now it's not too expensive to tunnel?! Funny how the tramsit city guys live in their own lie - supposedly it is too costly but their central thing is a big tunnel. If one makes such a long tunnel then it should be a metro tunnel, not a tram tunnel. Ford is the man to castrate...
  6. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Sorry bro, but transit city had like what - 20 billion? - in funds all total. If one can plan that and enthusiastically support that, then one can support funding subways. We do not need 20 billion right away for the subways. A couple billion here and there would do the trick. Cheers!
  7. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    True say.
  8. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Wasn't ford campaigning on expanding subways?? If he's gonna...
  9. LAz

    the rent is too high...

    Supposedly this dude would marry a shoe. Fresh start has avoided this topic though. :/ :(
  10. LAz

    Chicago L train

    Are they significant in any way nowadays? The blacks were quarantined in public housing highrise towers. These were more or less vertical ghettos, because they got no investment after opening. They lined them down state street. Most if not all of these towers were torn down. People have been...
  11. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    @all - my comp died. It has two hard-drives, and just won't go beyond windows is loading. One hard-drive makes a clicking sound, it's almost surely gone. The other one might be able to be saved. Bad stuff overall, so that's why I have been away, not because I didn't want to reply. So I am not...
  12. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    OH, so you are concerned for both people and money?? Why didn't you say so. There's a simple solution. Bus rapid transit. Cheaper than LRT. It's not looked into... so naturally that people and cost is not the main deal behind the thoughts going into this. Eglinton is not a metro. It's an...
  13. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Those biased blokes who are promoting the whole fiasco.
  14. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    Taken off of Wikipedia... And people are saying there won't be development... bayview has almost 10,000 riders a day er so, which is plenty to justify the metro. What was it when it opened- just a thousand or two? This is the example of how and why transit ridership will come. Open...
  15. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    You're just jealous that you don't have any blueberry wine. Haha.
  16. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    I WANT IT ALL!! lulz j/k :P From what I know, all their studies that looked into demand were ones that came up with some results that basically said that "oh subway usage is not justified for the entire 13 km" (or however many km the entire SELRT is)... that was their analysis of the...
  17. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    No. If they are going to tunnel so much, then they may as well make it a metro from the get go, because the cost of tunneling is like 98% of the cost of making it a metro instead of a tram tunnel. In my opinion it is ridiculous B.S., especially east of the eastern end of the tunnel. No...
  18. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    And I have nothing against this. Where was the debate and citizen participation regarding this? There was none. Hence it does not have legitimacy. There are billions? Why not use it for more metro? It goes with traffic, that's the problem. Might not be right in with it, but it's right...
  19. LAz

    Transit City Plan

    When they built systems such as san francisco's bart system, they did that to enhance automobile pleasantness while crossing the bridge into san fran. They did not build the line to replace the car, they made it to compliment the car. That was the fundamental thing behind the whole plan, to...
  20. LAz

    Buy an inch of Detroit

    750$ E Z They'd probably take 300, if we offered it. So, who's with me in buying up the ghetto? Lets displace that underclass outathere...
